Anyone still holding UST?

25% of all new luna will be airdroped to UST holder based on the current plan. Why you are worried?

Personally, I see no future in Terra2 / Luna2. It’s gonna be just another cosmos-based chain without anything going for it. Terra1 was made for stablecoins which was novel, Terra2 gets rid of UST completely so what’s the selling point here? The few dApps that were running on Terra like TerraSwap/AstroSwap?

Everyone just wants to cover the losses with the free airdrop, I doubt anyone is actually truly interested in making another terra, but without UST.

I don’t care about Luna2 and neither cared about Luna1. I held UST because I assumed it is stable, not to speculate and hope for a higher price, but that’s just me

Why would these new luna coins have any value?

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Don’t assume when investing in Crypto where anything can happen. USDT also depegged many times. If you are long enough in crypto, you would understand what I am talking about.

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Also still holding ~20K UST. Its confusing, but it seems like the fork will revert to a time in history where that 20K was still in anchor. Therefore shouldn’t we just sell UST now and we will still get airdropped? Haven’t done this yet - still deciding and wishing I bailed out at $0.60.

I took my lose… and moved everything to lendingblock licensed and insured platform.

Apy is only 13.8% but at least I never have to worry about losing all my money ever again

So from what I understand:

  • UST holders will get reimbursed to a certain extend through LFG funds, this will happen through a past snapshot and includes funds on exchanges (like Binance)
  • Independently of that, if we hold UST at the snapshot dates we will be eligible for a Terra2 airdrop with a long-term vest

I don’t believe in Terra2 so I hope the LFG thing actually happens, even if it’s just a small part of what I currently hold. It was confirmed by LFG and Do Kwon on twitter so I hope this won’t get lost in between the terra2 talks

Sold 20k for 0,15 USD day ago. After Do Kwon started to talk about fork :frowning: Still have couple k locked ANC and around 500 UST… Also ~1k Spectrum :slightly_smiling_face:
Total lost around 45k USD, but only half are initial investments, so lost around 20k my own money.

adding more $UST on this dip

$UST is the ULTIMATE meme coin

with a supply much lower than $LUNA

25% of nothing is still nothing

jump into a volcano

did I say something wrong that upset you?

UST collapsed. my bag near to zero.
New luna cannot get back my money. Investors not believe this new project, Do KWON is discredited !
My life is chaos now

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How’s everyone doing? It’s very hard to make a proper judgement on sell off UST or at this point just keeping it

Points for selling:

  • Terra is RIP, terra2 won’t have UST
  • Might as well get some out of it while it’s > 0

Points for not selling:

  • Terra Classic might through some miracle survive
  • UST could jump a bit in price pre snapshot when people buy
  • UST could jump a bit when UST reserves are burnt on LFG wallet and community rewards
  • Airdrop for terra2, although at this point UST is so cheap that people will buy some right before the snapshot, effectively making what I hold worthless

When the crash happened, at its low, down to 29 cents, I pulled my UST from Anchor into Terra station then to my spot wallet in Binance. Now it is all in my Binance wallet. Havent sold any. What happens to my UST that is in Binance which I have not sold a single dollar?

This money was my last gift from my late father. I thought UST was stable with hardly any downside and I backed mortgages funded by anchor.

I have 203k UST. Not getting this amount back is devastating to me and my family.