Community Grant Proposal: Terra Bites v2 [Updated]


It would be great to share numbers about your validator.

According to @setten, you are making nearly 700k-1M$ per year with it.
How is this not enough?


As fellow developers, we have great regards for Pete and his team.
The educational content will be very helpful for developers on-boarding to terra ecosystem

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What educational content? All they do is literally retweet other peoples content? They don’t provide anything original.

Who are your current staff and what are your current expenses? If the answers are reasonable, I can say yes to this proposal. Are any of your full-time staff developers?

This guy admitted in one of his recent videos that he doesn’t understand slippage. Yet here he is, asking for close on half a million dollars to build a DeFi training course.

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The page that you shared could have been put together by anyone for a few thousand dollars. They are asking for four hundred and forty thousand dollars.

Nobody is disputing that there is a need for training. The question we need to ask is are these the right people and should we be giving them $440,000. We know nothing about them. The guy currently presenting the youtube channel regularly admits he doesn’t know that much about DeFi.

If we’re going to allocate half a million dollars to training, there are much better ways of doing that than giving it to a few unknown random people who started a (largely unsuccessful) YouTube channel. There is no need for these people to be involved at all. With that kind of budget you could go direct to professional training organisation, and get professional product created by professional trainers and writers.

Terra Bites have given no details of what the training course will look like. We know nothing of the curriculum. We know nothing about the qualifications of the people designing the course. They have repeatedly refused to give specific details about what they are going to do with the grant. It’s just a money grab.


Well, it looks like this is going to pass and I’m sure that Terra Bites will have their hands out again next year since this was successful. Personally, I’m very disappointed with what Terra has become to let something like this even come to a vote.

Instead of pushing the extra funds to staking and other actual valid projects, Terra has gotten into bed with known scammers and have treated the whole blockchain as a slush fund. I’ve done very well with Terra financially but the writing is definitely on the wall and can’t see this scheme really having a future.


I highly second that.

Also, this is still accurate. :point_down:

@TerraBites, please share your numbers.


I have the feeling that now that it looks like the vote will pass, there won’t be any clarification forthcoming from @TerraBites. They know that they’ve got the money so I’m pretty sure it’s going to be radio silence until next year when they have their hands out again for retweeting other peoples content…

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We’ve been working on several communications, in fact, mostly around validator-related topics. But we don’t feel we should spend too much time on armchair claims that an operation like this should cost less money, and that somehow all the details in such a cutting-edge field should be known months in advance.

Those who are in the know – actively contributing to development, infra, content, and education themselves – say it should cost more money:

If can be done well with less, feel free to do it for less. No one is trying this, to our knowledge. But we 100% applaud you if you do.

Some people haven’t been reading our responses, and thus they think we’ll be making another such proposal for 2023 :man_shrugging:t2: above comment for example.

But most in the community have seen these communications, heard our discussions on this proposal for months up until now, and/or seen our self-funded delivery so far. We screenshotted/saved links to comments/tweets for potential followup later in the year, too. Feel free to do the same.

Btw, Evan’s persona is humble bagel shop owner, and he uses this, which the community enjoys, to coax projects to explain themselves in layman’s terms.

He understands slippage. And he does not have an actual bagel shop :joy: but he is a top-tier media and design professional.

Pete, on the other hand, has been a blockchain dev for years, and embraces that, resulting in a good veteran/layman duo feeling for joint episodes.

We understand that might be confusing to people who don’t engage much. Noted!

We are asking you to clarify why you need to receive 400’000 UST to build what you proposed.

Your answer to those questions are:

  1. Someone on Twitter said we should ask for more.
  2. If it can be done with a lower amount, feel free to do it.

How does that answer our concerns?


I’m a long term lurker and community participant and I’m pretty shocked at the backlash here, to the point I felt compelled to sign up and reply. Even with the proposal looking likely to pass.

Terra Bites have been fundamental in building awareness of Terra and increasing community knowledge from very early on. I’d wager their tenure in the space is longer than all skeptics in this thread combined. This isn’t just some random duo off the street who have randomly rocked up to the community and asked for 400k. They are a trusted partner and have provided more value to the community than I can possibly recollect.

The issue with most on this thread seems to be with the allocation of funds and costing. My response would be, trust them. And maybe show a little more trust, humility and respect in general. If their content isn’t for you, that’s fine, but for a significant majority clearly find it engaging, valuable, worthwhile and enjoyable. Myself included. Indeed, the community have voted and the minority squawking on here clearly don’t speak for the rest.

Pete, Evan, you do an amazing job and have done from day one. Massively excited for you to show us all what you can do with a heap of UST at your disposal.

No one has said that they speak for the community. Except for you that is. Like they say, it’s a free country, so, if you don’t like it, you’re free to get stuffed. We brought up valid concerns, which weren’t addressed.

And then you show up saying “trust us bro” and somehow that should be sufficient. Wait, hang on, Sifu, is that you?

The people disrespecting others in this thread are the people asking for the grant, not the people asking questions about the allocation of community funds. TerraBites have consistently ignored reasonable, repeated requests from many members of the community to give details of how they are going to spend this money. Rather than answer, they have simply not participated. They have consistently thrown out both oblique and direct insults, including towards people who are successfully doing what they are failing to do. This in response to a comparison with Danku

Danku is not simply making videos about farming strategies. He is making informed, knowledgeable explainers at incredible rate. His interviews with key players are insightful and enjoyable He clearly has a deep understanding of the Terra DeFi space and he isn’t asking for a studio, camera, lights and 40,000 dollars in expenses. Compare that toTerra Bites content which for months has consisted of rambling livestream interviews. Look at their viewing figures.

They have treated people posting questons in this thread with contempt. Most of the questions have simply been ignored. Look at the answer they gave when asked about their validator.

Does anyone believe that they don’t know how much they’re getting from their validator? When he wrote that he knew exactly how the validator was earning. And here he gives proof. He wrote this after a community member calculated the figures that he refused to provide.

He knew how much it is earning currently and how much it had earned in preceding months. Why did he not give that answer in the first place?

Your assertions about their value to community echo their own answers. You offer nothing to support your claims. Even if they were as they you say they are, the idea that we should just “trust them” and give them $400,000 is ludicrous and insulting to the community. We’re not talking about 4k or even 40k, we’re talking 400k. They want 40k just for expenses (which they refuse to detail). I think you’ve lost track of the value of real-world money. If you think this 400k is money well spent, please explain, in detail, what we will be getting for it. What exactly are we paying for?

We still have no idea what they will be doing with this money. The original proposal implies that it will be for new staff, but it is clear they intend to use it to pay themselves. Why, at this stage, is there a still a need for us to try guess what they are doing with the money?

Another major downside of this is that its going to encourage others to follow suit. People will see that despite the way they have conducted themselves in thread, these guys have walked away with half a million dollars. They did so without giving any detail of their own qualifications, what they’re going to do with the grant, or what the community can expect to see for the money it has deposited in their wallet.

It’s going to be open season for grant applications.

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He doesn’t understand slippage and he’s just been given a grant of $440,000 of community funds to teach DeFi.

I agree, if monetizing youtube content subsidizes part of the community funds required to jump start terra bites then I think it would make most sense to enable monetization on youtube and other social media platforms.

We shouldn’t set expectations that all community media content be fully funded by community funds and instead strive to bootstrap media outlets to help them launch but eventually become self sustainable.

Also, if the Terra community begins 100% funding all media the coverage might risk being perceived as un-objective to the broader crypto community. Though I think Terra Bites is awesome, I am worried others might perceive it as propaganda if its entirely funded by the Terra community long term.

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