CZ Binance Response To Fork Plan!

ok then fork it. watch all trust evaporate and even the low buyers start shorting it in spite. forking it is a way for them to run away with the 3b in reserves


So investors that holded througout the crash before the depegg would get more rewarded than those buying at these low prices right?

you’ll get KO’d by any major CEX in case of fork, including binance.
CZ suggest right thing, as you can see UST was almost 0.25 today w/o ANY support from LFG, LUNA also multiplied since minting stopped.
Need to create good burn mechanism and use it together with buyback+burn, UST will also keep restoring, because LUNA will have positive trend. After LUNA is restored you’ll be easy able to restore UST.


Can you elaborate? 3% tax on each transaction that happened on LUNA blockchain or 3% on every binance transaction? Not sure what it means. I mean to burn the coins you would need to buy them first. What money would you buy it with if they had emptied the reserves pre-attack. TFG had sent 80000 btc hedge to gemini and binance and dumped. Now how would you burn 6000 billion LUNA without buying it first?

Go to the thread. Its purpose is to develop a solution together. At the moment there was no bad comment about this solution. So it has some potential. What we need to do right now is to figure it out together


No. You’re thinking this wrong.

“how can I get out of this mess faster than others?” = your thinking. Which is wrong, zero-sum thinking, negative even.

“How can we build and revive this back up” = correct thinking. We need to encourgae more buy. More money. More funds. More reserve. Instead of thinking about your old bags you should invest more if you don’t want the old ones to be worth 0.

dude what are you talking about

they disposed of their safety fund days back by sending it to binance and gemini

This is it, selfish investors want to take it all and leave new investors with nothing! just because they didn’t make a good decision to sell when Luna was at $100.

All Luna holders should get the airdrop no matter when they bought the coin.



To maintain the faith of the community and the integrity of Luna and the LFG, the remaining 1.2 billion in BTC reserves should be used to buy and then burn LUNA to drive down the total LUNA in circulation to a somewhat respectable number to move the price up for holders of LUNA.



Coffeezilla investigating LFG

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No he is not. stop hallucinating

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I think CZ got a point, we should try avoid fork. The basic rule of the crypto market is that if you bought e.g. 1 BTC, it doesn’t matter why you bought it, how much you paid for it, how long you held it for, it has the same value as anyone else’s BTC. This rule shouldn’t be broken. The next question is how do we find a compromise which would benefit both current UST holders and Luna holders. My proposal is we make the UST/Luna conversion rate fixed.


If they didn’t buy at low prices, coin would be gone forever & got delisted from all exchanges!


what happened to the btc? we must know!

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This is why he runs one of the biggest exchanges in the world. I am in favour of a burn mechanism!


Then help us reach as many new eyes as we can :stuck_out_tongue:


From all the proposals that I have read, I think the most suitable is this one:

8 Steps to Save Luna now - Economic Refactoring Proposal from industry professionals

Please read it entirely and carefully. It’s good both for the LUNA ecosystem and UST.


They didn’t spend it because we actually believed it would re-peg on its own