CZ Binance Response To Fork Plan!

There’s one golden investment rule that you should always keep in mind: Never invest money that you can’t afford to lose. Learn why this rule is important, and how to protect your assets from risk and volatility.

The risk that people take is equal, they bought low, while the coin was droping and everybody was yelling it’s going to 0

Ther is no difrence between someone who bought at 50$ or someone who bought at 0.00000120.

Risk and reward, many people who bought extra low also bought extra high while the downfall.

So stop crying like a bitch and next time dont invest what you cant afford to lose


We can do a lot more I think.
But to do this we need support from governance.
This is my idea:

  • each day 15-30 minute before the computational burn or mint process (let’s know to all what time is it?) all community member together with governance need buy UST in this scenario let’s say on the market go in 15-30 minute buy order worth something like 1 billion USD$ our loved UST can go more than 1:1 with USD, let’s say at 1,1-1,2 in this can must be burned LUNA to re extabilish the Peg ratio right ?
    If i’m right with this let’s say do this everyday up to the LUNA will go back to 5 or 10 USD$ in the same time implement the system to not let this happen again.
    I think (and hope) with this kind of solution the shorter can be burned out from the market with heavy lost, caused from Stop order on their short.
    Please who is more expert than me can think better on this and improve it.



El mercado ha hablado y está hablando, quiere a LUNA más que UST. Binance tiene un volumen de$ ahora mismo.

Not as funny as you calling yourself a “Quant” :smiling_face: I get the sense you were caught napping on this one.

I think you are contributing more to the demise of these coins with your constant trolling. Us vultures and Hyenas kept it from disappearing entirely. I think someone needs to moderate your posts. They contribute no value to these discussions.

Let me ask you and all the other altruistic “supporters”: if you knew it was going to zero, would you have left your capital in it? Try to answer honestly please.


Don’t you understand the whole abstract how is luna related to UST? do you? Luna backing/mirroring UST!
.if Luna Marketcap is less than UST market cap then blackhole is triggered and UST peg is gone.

You are fired with immediate effect!!!

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Happy to learn from you if you point out what you believe is wrong in my previous reply

Agree regarding burning LUNA and slowly return everything to normal. Fork is not an option!


TFL! Please buy Luna and burn! Restore the peg! My family’s savings depends on that!
We never did leverage and converted our hard earned money into UST and put it into anchor to get 20% of yield. We also had spot Luna which we did not sell but for that we have less hope.
Please give us hope that the we can get back the dollar value for our UST even if it takes time!


UST holders say that luna is a risk asset, which means that even if it is zeroed out, it is not a pity, the important thing is to ensure their interests! Shameless!!! Where does the proceeds from UST holdings come from? In the first two days of unlimited issuance, how come you holders, including the project party, did not come to tell the buying retail investors that your purchase was to liberate ust, and your purchase was finally a risk asset, which needed to be abandoned for the benefit of ust?!! UST has completely credit bankruptcy, pegging to $1 can only be a temporary liberation of the UST holder, stepping on the body of the Luna holder to exit safely! Can I still hide my anger? Is the so-called core asset ust? Is it to contribute to decentralization? The only really decentralized is BTC, why do you hold ust? Not for high returns? Don’t you yourself know that you are speculating? Shameless! The project party is waiting for legal proceedings, if not resolved!


Cancel UST, depeg, burn LUNA. Only way.

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By the way who was selling for low prices ?

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I believe different profiles, those who panicked, those who were doing trading (and possibly made a lot), those who had limit sell orders that got triggered before they can even intervene and of course those who were holding for a long time and were still in profit even at lower prices.

That’s why I believe that if we compensate LUNA holders pre-depeg, we need to consider their wallet post-depeg. If they sold then this part should not be compensated, only the part they kept.

They should have requested a stop trading as soon as it happened, clearly telling the retail investors that luna would be abandoned to save ust; while looking for the rest of the financing at the time, but shamefully, they did not make any beneficial moves except to increase the number of issues! But instead of finally saying that luna is a risk asset, it needs to be abandoned, to fork, what I see is the most shameless and indecent, people eat people! ~

I Agree With CZ’s Opinion That You Create V2 Version Will Eliminate All Old Investors And When V2 Is Completed There Will Be No Investor Confidence. They Will Sell All Their Luna At High Price! That’s a mistake . Try to find a Way to Burn Old LuNa Just Like How You Raised Them

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Good question :thinking:

TerraQuant, you can buy now if you want? why blaming the buyers? doesnt make sense

Please read carefully what I wrote. I don’t blame those buying now, I think you can buy now and trade and make money and it’s all fine. I say that if you buy now, you don’t deserve any compensation. It’s your own decision to trade now.

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I wish i can block u from my post
Can you just shutup?

There is no fork
There is no compensation

Its either they buy back try to sort things out

Or no one will support new fork where u guys get useless coins to dump it and run away
No cex will list it

Its better to make it Luna Inu than doing the FORK!


I am not supporting a fork more than anything else. I reply to posts suggesting forks like the one from Do. I don’t care what is the way used as long as it’s fair.

You can’t block me but you can decide not to reply to me. Try to control yourself!

And you’re right that no CEX would list a lunaV2 so how can you say it would be dumped? Doesn’t make sense, contradiction.