Deploy $3 million of Community Pool LUNA for UST Liquidity Mining Incentives Across Strategic Apps and Protocols on Major Layer Ones

why 3 million of Luna, not $3 million?


@Crypto-Joe this is a good call out.

Looking at liquidity and user behavior, sSCRT seems to be a better paid for sUST.

Despite cost, is there a disadvantage to supporting the sSEFI/sUST pair as well?

I thought we were talking about ~60k Luna. On chain vote has 3 mil Luna…

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I share this concern, same as @ClintNGMI

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Prop 142 inadvertently put 3 million LUNA instead of $3 million of LUNA (~68K LUNA at current prices) described in the proposal above. Prop 143 (in deposit period) will replace 142 with the correct $3 million worth of LUNA (68K LUNA) and will be communicated publicly once it enters the voting period.


PlanetFinance charges a 0.25% commission. This is very high for stablecoin pair and it is not reasonable to trade here even with high liquidity.
ACryptoS and EllipsisFinance offer lower fees(0.06% and 0.04% respectively). How about offering incentives for these pools?


I find the lack of consideration for Cardano concerning. Is there any plan for some of this money to be invested in an upcoming pool + bridge when DEXs launch? Contrary to media FUD dapps are coming and there are billions of ADA moved for iso and for dapps launching with millions of accounts. I feel like UST could make a real splash there since there’s zero stablecoins currently and the djed proposal is in my opinion a terrible one (claiming to be decentralized by obfuscation of who really controls the protocol).

I’m genuinely asking, where can we deploy capital to in Cardano right now?


SundaeSwap will likely go live within a month

POL seems like a better use of funds. Instead of incenting liquidity for sUST-sSCRT, let’s instead give Secret Network a few million UST in exchange for a few million in SCRT. Then, we could deploy our own LPs, as could they.