Distribute the $4M in Off-Chain Community Assets Towards LUNC’s Revitalization [v3]

Hello dear community! I share with you some reflections.
:sunny: :seedling: :handshake: :busts_in_silhouette:

Thank you

Thanks to all those who listened to the alarms. And who they knew how to investigate and read carefully on their own and value all the information and comments expressed here. Discovering the inconsistencies and fallacies that were communicated here.

Such as the distribution to teams that had previously rejected such funds. Or the extortion of a member of the community (Alex) to buy and silence his voice, using funds from the community itself. Or using legal devices to block future proposals to use the same funds for 6 months, or taking the funds to private bank accounts if the distributed funds were rejected instead of sending them to the community fund itself, or proposing to pay compensation to all the people or groups mentioned just for voting yes, without any details of which people form such teams in detail (only the referents were named by their pseudonyms).

Finally the truth came out. It is always like that, if you really want to get to the truth. It is only a matter of time. Thanks to the courage and drive of this beloved community for that.

Deep understanding

If the people in this proposal really felt in their hearts and understood the deep meaning of the word. Shalom! They would not mock, nor would they attack others. Truth? They would not constantly try to invalidate them. This is a far cry from the desire for peace and harmony, towards others, that the use of this word is meant to convey.

Use is made of words, which apparently (by the various expressions of hatred, attack, and mockery) have no real meaning in their lives. The meaning is very beautiful and deep. The desire for peace and harmony in people’s lives. But here, it is only expressed, as part of another facade that they try to show to others. It is only a fictitious appearance.

In this great community, we all live under the same sun. He nourishes us all equally. Without distinction. We are all valuable. We all have capabilities we can offer to others. It is natural. It is simple.

If we really understood the deep meaning of words, used since ancient times for communion and peace among peoples, we would live in a more harmonious world, far from the manipulations and facades that some use to achieve their own ends to the detriment of the common good.

Invitation to the community

My invitation is to do good, just for the sake of doing good, without seeking personal benefits and abusing the trust of others. Without belittling any member of this beloved community, which day by day is reborn little by little.

Applying what is formerly known as Wu Wei of the Taoists. That is to do without doing. That is, always giving from the heart, not expecting any reward for the work done. Giving each one of us, what we can offer in a clear and precise way, looking for the common welfare of this beloved community.

This does not mean that the work of some does not also have a monetary value (as TR or others), but that this value should be clearly expressed to the community. The Community will then, be able to value such proposals based on the details presented, and will evaluate if it is willing to pay for it or not.

Freedom to choose with clear and accurate data. With transparent wallets and data (if necessary) of the team leaders or people involved in such proposals. Without pretending hidden profits at the expense of the community.

Every situation is valuable
:ocean: :man_surfing:

Every situation, no matter how difficult it may seem to be, has ways out and learning along the way. And it leaves traces.This proposal has the virtue of having awakened many of the sleeping ones. Now the community will be more attentive to the proposals that will be presented in the future. It will not blindly trust those who claim to defend the values of the community or who are supported by recognized teams or individuals. It will demand to see things with greater clarity and transparency. Valuing every detail.

We will also value more mutual respect and tolerance to the different positions of thought that each member of this community expresses. Based on data or verifiable information to support their opinions. Even if they are contrary. Everything is respectable, if it is done in good faith, and provides valuable information for the community.

Thanks to the community as a whole (users in general, validators and investors-DApps-), for taking this important step. It promotes transparency, mutual respect and a proper use of money. Thank you.

Final Words
:people_hugging: :earth_americas:

I will be here to provide and share with you, my financial, ecosystem and legal expertise and knowledge, for the whole community. By alerting you or providing you with a factual opinion or just a simple support, as I have been doing so far.

Also providing elements or referential resources for a respectful and transparent community life that integrates the different points of view.

I will always be here, to serve the community, with whatever I can provide and offer.

I would like to conclude with this phrase from a wise man of antiquity.

The wise man does not think of himself,
He makes the needs of others his own.

Be good to people who are good
And also with people who are not.
That is the higher Goodness.

Good life to all!