Final Vision Plan for LUNC to $1+

I twisted nothing. Here are YOUR words:

Everything I’ve said about you is true. You are a lying, deceiving, anti-taxxer and are pro-minting, and you don’t care about post-crash LUNC investors or the price going up. You’re deranged and evil, with a personal vendetta against me. You also mock my faith as a Christian in numerous posts and now you say God is watching me, while accusing me falsely again. I know God, who is Jesus Christ. I seek Him every day in prayer and keep His word. He leads me and I do His will. You are my enemy. Jesus Christ rebuke you.

I answered your question, now you divert. LUNC is different from those other coins. LUNC is unique. You want it to be another LUNA v2, waiting for dapps which make tiny $ which cannot burn our supply. Your questions are irrelevant to my proposal, and are distractions so you can attempt to launch another personal attack against me, like you’ve done before. Under my plan ALL users contribute to the burn and funding the chain by the 1.5% on-chain tax, something you appear to be afraid of. This is the same for the 1.2% burn tax off-chain, where all buy and sells will contribute to the burn. This is the most fair outcome to burn LUNC, to fund our chain, and to reduce our hyperinflated supply.