Fund Devs With $4M of Off-Chain Community Assets

Maybe buy lunc with that 4.16m$ & burn it all. Let holders develop the TC core in a way that attracts devs to built utilities around that core that attracts users…

We (TC Community) will not get anywhere following the “established intelligent people” of this community if we all (those ‘popularly intelligent’ people included) do not all invest our time and talents (coders & philosophers) stabilizing the core of the TC-OS. That’s what this whole thing (the revival) comes down to. Investing means not seeing profits until construction is complete and that construction has been done right and well! 101. Focus on and construct a solid and attractive core while burning all we can until we hit 10billion and the people will come and our units (lunc) will rise.

Keep it Simple
Keep it Fair
Keep it Decentralized
Keep it Stable
Keep it Profitable