Fund for Development and infrastructure

@Vendrugo ~ No, it means installing the proper circuit breakers and pegging Lunc & USTC to the weight of a limited raw (naturally occurring) physical commodity (not to the value of that commodity in usd) to maintain a specific supply amount (stable scarcity). The circuit breakers are explained more in my post about the gold standard of stability (linked below)… we need a core code that doesn’t need any additional development (like Bitcoin), that’s what I mean by self-sustaining.

@Pascal ~ I do know that additional Lunc (staking rewards) have to come from somewhere (fees and minting) ~ so, if we want to deflate the supply we must change how we run and promote our system. To attract people during this supply readjustment period, we need people to understand that lessening the supply lessens the division of the market cap into each Lunc and raises the value of each Lunc (the value gained by all through burning staking rewards ~ at least until we hit 10 billion)… We need to burn Lunc and promote the market cap division effect caused by burning… once we hit 10 billion Lunc and go live with the circuit breakers and the peg of Lunc and Ustc to the weight of a limited physical raw commodity (testnet ready), we will hit the next level and attract average users (the mass).

That self-sustaining core design (explained above) coded on a testnet and ready to go live will be the critical force that will attract people here to participate in the supply reduction ~ to get to 10 billion Lunc (that’ll be kept scarce and stable).

Third-parties will be attracted by that stable scarcity and fund the development of dapps that those third-parties will then profit from as users use them for a fee (just like the fees paid to validate Lunc blocks (staking rewards) that reward those who continue the chain).

Eventually (hopefully) as activity increases and the value of Lunc rises ~ holders of mass amounts will sell and the burn tax will hit those hoarded stashes. We won’t get to 10 billion if 10 people each hoard a billion.

Finding coders to code that stable, self-sustaining core for under 200k$(usd) must be possible, especially since a design to get it started is already established: