Joint L1 Task Force Q2

Hi @NovaValidator

Please find the following summary of work completed for Q1. I am in the process of preparing an end of quarter report, and there are some items that will be included in that report that are not listed here which have also been completed. These additional items include components such as security patches, new feature requests that were approved through governance (i.e. minimum initial deposit for proposals to eliminate scam proposals) and the Cosmwasm v1.1.0 upgrade which was originally required to have an investigation conducted, but has now largely been completed.

I will also provide a separate summary of the other items that have been completed, as mentioned above.

Quarter 1

January, 2023

Establish process and product backlog for L1 team. Completed

Establish a “community oversight committee” for this L1 team, with trusted third parties. (PFC, DJTrev, StrathCole) Completed

Assess the possibility of introducing upgrade handlers to utilize software upgrade governance proposals. Completed

Assess the state of our current “version map” and determine how it can be patched to reflect the current state of our system. Completed

Continue working on the “genesis import” problem to maintain a “fallback strategy” if “version map” cannot be patched. Completed

Adjust ante handler to send 50% of “burn tax” to community pool & 50% to treasury burn wallet. Completed

Test/Upgrade “estimate-fee” client logic (LCD) in auth module to ensure “burn tax” is calculated correctly. Completed

Test/Upgrade IBC denom whitelist. Completed

Propose governance for no canonical github repo. Agora has been posted

Test, push, and upgrade testnet with version 1.0.5 Completed

Test, push, and upgrade mainnet with version 1.0.5 Completed

February, 2023

Investigate PebbleDB/BadgerDb for speed improvements to the backend, discontinue support for goleveldb/rocksdb Completed. See GitHub - classic-terra/db-benchmark for benchmarking and performance information.

Transition to iavl fast node via iavl 0.19.4. Deferred

Implement upgrade handlers to utilize software upgrade governance proposals. Completed

Assess the viability of using cosmovisor for future chain upgrades. Completed

Test upgraded chain to Cosmos SDK v0.45.11 with TFL patches to support oracle. Completed

Test upgraded chain to Tendermint v0.34.21 with TFL patches to support oracle. Completed

Work closely with infrastructure* and L2 wallet providers/partners* on the Classic chain to ensure compatibility with Cosmos 45.11 and Tendermint v0.34.21. Completed

Propose governance for Mev-Tendermint. Not required

Test, push, and upgrade testnet with version 2.0.4 (Modified release to v2.0.0 name) Larger testnet validator set required

Test, push, and upgrade mainnet with version 2.0.4 (Modified release to v2.0.0 name) Targeted for 3rd or 4th week of April.

March, 2023

Investigate updating to canonical version of Tendermint v0.37. Completed

Ensure the priority and compatibility with Oracle transactions (tx) compared to other tx’s once we adopt Tendermint v0.37. Completed

Secure and deploy Oracle with sha256 to all validators. Pending governance approval. Agora proposal has been posted.

Fork TFL Interchain wallet, develop potential solutions to the bech32 problem at the wallet level, and present multiple solutions to TFL.* ** No longer required

Impact analysis of upgrade to Cosmwasm v1.0.0 to assess effect on migrating L2 wasm contracts from 0.16.6. Completed

Augment the current WASM virtual machine to fit with Cosmwasm v1.0.0. Completed

Reach out to Assaf from Secret Network to understand dual VM setup. No longer required.

Conclusions of quarter 1. Community assessment of team activities. Governance vote to continue funding team activities. In progress