Joint L1 Task Force Q2

How will you get this? The previous team has no obligation to transfer their knowledge. This borders on “intellectual rape”.

Hope you dont get peanut results.

It is not advisable for a project manager to work for free, especially if they are providing professional services to a client or an organization. Project managers are responsible for overseeing the entire software development project, which includes planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and monitoring all aspects of the project. This is a complex and time-consuming task that requires specialized knowledge and skills.

Working for free not only devalues the work of the project manager, but it can also lead to several negative consequences. For instance:

  1. Lack of motivation: If a project manager is not being paid for their work, they may lack the motivation to perform their tasks to the best of their ability.
  2. Conflict of interest: If a project manager is working for free, they may be less likely to advocate for the best interests of their client or organization, as they may feel beholden to other stakeholders or interests.
  3. Reduced quality: Working for free may mean that a project manager is not able to devote sufficient time and resources to the project, which may result in a lower quality outcome.
  4. Legal and ethical issues: In some cases, working for free may be considered a breach of ethical or legal standards, especially if the project manager is working in a regulated industry."

The project manage should negotiate a fair compensation that reflects the value of his services and expertise.

At the end of it all, the community will decide our direction. I have no appetite for individuals trying to satisfy their egos at the expense of the chain. At the current rate the building of the chain will not resume until at least one month and then what? More drama is around the corner.