[Proposal] Deprecate Seigniorage Reward Policy and Increase Gas Fees by 5x

When this proposal will go live for voting ? Because still there is 10% remint and it is against binance advised burn support.

hopefully in the next 24 hours - just verifying some data.


But please consider this title for voting proposal

""Stop LUNC Reminting From Burns “”

Please consider this because many people does read whole Agora proposal and caste his vote on just read title


Hi @dfunk ,

Since all the TERRA STABLES are from the same side of the replenish pool it would not work like that - although that is an astute observation and thought (actually it is the virtual liquidity pool, and replenish pool works from the virtual liquidity pool - I used the names interchangeably above, not as precise in the names as I should have been). The other side of the virtual liquidity pool would be LUNA v1. Both sides, LUNA v1, and TERRA STABLES, are valued in SDR. Really it is once SDT’s value internally equals, and maintains, SDR value in market swap, all the stables will be repegged - since SDR is the one coin both sides of the virtual liquidity pool work from. For oracle purposes, the stables are returned in 1 LUNA v1 = ??? fiat denomination of the TERRA STABLE denomination. Since USD is the largest of the stable coins in terms of volume of coins plus fiat value, and close to SDR’s fiat value, and the volume of the other stable coins in the system, in combination with their fiat value, in terms of each stable coins’ number of coins per denomination, with the exception of KRW, in the system, are less, it should pretty much work economically to look at the value of UST and USD for repegging purposes (although the system would still need to be adjusted for situations like the death spiral, and possibly some other aspects). This is why all the TERRA STABLES are all devalued, yet if you exchange them among themselves through market swap they see themselves at the exchange rates of their real fiat denominations among other stables (although when valued against LUNA v1, it shows they are not valued at their real world fiat values at present)(or to look at it from the oracle standpoint, are all tied to LUNA v1’s price, and foundationally both LUNA v1 and TERRA STABLES at the virtual liquidity pool level are based on SDR’s value when the pools are replenished).

But, I will leave it there. That sounds good if you would like to discuss it in another discussion or venue (or privately, or with @johny (Faffy) since he has a lot of insight into this particular topic around the system), that works too.

I hope you have an awesome day today :slight_smile:

Thanks for that @dfunk, I got the units wrong AND mixed up the denominations.
In view of that:
Based on the swap market of uKRW https://fcd.terra.dev/v1/market/swaprate/ukrw
1 uKRW = 0.00078578048923593813 UUSD, which translates to 0.0000000007857 USTC (since USTC is the USD baseline in our system)
That also verifies what you have already said:
1 KRTC = 0.00078578048923593813 USTC (since KRTC = uKRW * 10^6) and using the current spot price of USTC 0.00078578048923593813 * 0.0207 = 0.00001626565$

Consequently, the current uKRW fees cost in USD is:
170.0 / 1270.84 = 0.1337 UUSD = 0.0000001337 USTC = 0.0000001337 * 0.0207 = 0.000000000276759$

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Would be good if you discuss with @ek826 I know he is/was working on a different proposal.

He’s already aware and contributes to this proposal :wink: please check the previous posts…

Very soon I would think, we just had to double-check the issue ek raised above in regards to the fees.

Still scraping the chain to get (hopefully) a better understanding of the gas fees generated over and above the values used by LUNC Penguins. Collecting info on blocks 10618983 - 10816121 (12/12/2023 - 25/12/20222)

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thanks AE. Super helpful. I was confused and was just looking at the oracle.
@godoal @dfunk looks good
@Tynos I will adjust the other proposal accordingly.


Both parts of the proposal are live!

Part 1 - Stop LUNC Re-minting from Burns by setting Seigniorage Reward Policy to Zero (Prop #11242)

Part 2 - Increase Gas Fees by 5X (Prop #11243)

Note: There seems to be a formatting issue with Terra Station that isn’t displaying the full list of gas prices that need to be updated should the proposal go through. Sharing the gas prices that need to be updated should the proposal go through here as well:

{"uluna”:”28.325”, ”usdr”:”0.52469”, ”uusd”:”0.75", "ukrw”:”850.0”, ”umnt”:”2142.855, ”ueur”:”0.625", "ucny”:”4.9", "ujpy”:”81.85, ”ugbp”:”0.55”, ”uinr”:”54.4”, ”ucad”:”0.95”, ”uchf”:”0.7", "uaud":"0.95”, ”usgd”:”1.0”, ”uthb”:”23.1”, ”usek”:”6.25", "unok”:”6.25", "udkk”:”4.5”, ”uidr”:”10900.0", "uphp”:”38.0”, ”uhkd”:”5.85”, ”umyr”:”3.0”, ”utwd”:”20.0”}


Finally, happy voting :slight_smile:


@dfunk Great job, this is how good work is done.


Thanks @dfunk!!

I hope changes will actually be implemented if passed.


Good job :raised_hands:t2:


Nice work to all of you


Why are you still here?

Can we please leave all the political spin-offs out of it…

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When it will rise to 3-4x again we will see how easy will be
or you put in a auto- multiplier and demultiplier, or it will be a full mess.

Another problem is: Funding devs means funding L1 team, nothing else. That’s not good. Luna Community funds also other projects. Lunc community seem to going approve ONLY L1 team.
Lunc community use 80% CEXs not DEXs. And do not give a shit about DeFi.

Either you change your approach - just L1 Team is good, everything else is nothing - or new projects (except for a few scam attempts, or hit-and-runs) will not even think of entering Terra Classic.

Those left behind, because the new holders barely know how to use a wallet. The dexes have never even used them and probably have no intention of using them either. Unfortunately.

For the rest, we have already seen what happened with the tax burn. Increasing it decreases the already poor volumes in DeFi.

At least then we can remove the tax burn, and make 1/3 validator, 1/3 CP, 1/3 burn. But adding a 5x on gas fees on top plus having the tax burn is shooting ourselves in the foot.

We have to understand one of the few reason to choose Lunc instead Luna is cheaper costs. if we go and narrow these differences, we discourage its use too.

My 2 cents.

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I think its a good idea if all devs are ok and all side effects calculated to not hurt the network it can be very good.

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I am afraid you are a bit late to this discussion. This proposal is a continuation of what started with @ek826 proposal here Refactor Burn AnteHandler and deprecate Seigniorage Reward Policy - Governance & Proposals - Terra Research Forum and has now been put to vote.

Please read through the discussion on @ek826 proposal first and follow through to this one here, to get the ins and out of how we got here. There are also some projected cost profiles there which fed into the values you see here.

Yeap, the chain will start to provide funding for its maintenance/support the way any other blockchain does.

Zaradar is still talking about a code-based solution according to the initial proposal @ek826 raised here. Based on that, half the income from on-chain burns would be hardcoded to fund the community pool for dev purposes.
This proposal is a continuation of that one and takes a slightly different path, which ensures dev funding and at the same time respects the BURN effort making sure anyone (CEXs, Individuals, on-chain tax) sending money to the burn address will BURN in its entirety.