Proposal: LUNA Incentives for Osmosis Liquidity Pools

Reached out to Osmosis devs and they are using a member of the ICF as the intermediary.
Proposal is now up for deposit at least. Adjusted the amount to be in line with previous proposals, ends up targetting 20% at $11m


Love Osmosis, and believe we should add liquidity to both LUNA/UST and OSMO/UST.

However, I believe Terra should bootstrap the two protocol-owned pools in their entirety and own the pools.

There is no reason for Terra to leak value to 3rd party LPers via incentives when we could easily bootstrap pools of sufficient size to meet all liquidity needs for each pair. This would yield value to Terra from the outset, rather than incur the costs of incentive distribution to mercenary LP capital (e.g. transient yield farmers).

I hate everything about this. The community is wasting itā€™s funds, that should be used for concrete new projects and ideas, that would push the envelope on web3 and defi. Instead we are throwing free tokens at OSMO whales. What a jokeā€¦

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At what ratio will the LUNA be allocated to the various gauges on these pools? Osmosisā€™ natural incentives, and their incentive matching, will go to the various gauges at their defined ratio (currently, 20% goes solely to the 14-day, another 30% split between the 14- and 7-day, and the remaining 50% shared between all 3 gauges). This information will influence how the LPs bond their GAMM tokens. I donā€™t think this was discussed in this propā€¦ (please correct me if Iā€™m wrong). Will it just be split at the same 50/30/20 ratio?

I think so, this should probably be clarified in future props for other networks (I see the Secret prop has used very similar wording but added this). External incentives have previously followed more this pattern and OSMO incentives will be following this from Friday also.
Iā€™ll get in touch with the wallet holder and see when they can load these. Aiming for these to start on Friday as they are matched in the most recent Osmo Incentive Proposal.

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