[Proposal] Tiered repayment: 1:1 USDC refund to all UST holders up to a certain cap per-wallet using LFG funds, favouring small wallets

Fully agree on this. In my opinion a new centralized pegged coin can be created, backed by collaterals left in LFG ( Not Luna)

Protecting the small investor should be the first priority. Their day to day life has been impacted due to this. Some of them are on verge of collapse.

This is the only way some faith can be restored.

The community, developers, technology and products that are built still has lot of value and can be rebuild with lot of safeguards and transparency.

Here is my two cents with limited understansing. The Luna community members can further enhance this:-

Take the snapshopt before the depeg event. Repay the PRINCIPLE amount at min. which was initially invested, without the interest and borrowed / collaterized USTs. People will still be fine if the new pegged UST is still locked in Anchor and allowed to be withdrawed gradually (10 percent in a month at max.)

People who panic sold at much lower prices, that difference can be deducted from the final reimbursements. A way has to be thought through to establish this, so only genuine people are rewarded and people dont run futher scams and ponzis. This has to be transparent.