[Proposal] Tiered repayment: 1:1 USDC refund to all UST holders up to a certain cap per-wallet using LFG funds, favouring small wallets

In my view there are two very reasonable responses to the event. Do Kwon told everyone on Twitter to hang on tight and said there was a plan to repeg and recollateralize UST, so people who did nothing and kept their funds in Anchor weren’t wrong. There was also a fairly obvious LUNA-UST death spiral that was getting worse by the hour as the UST price slowly walked up and down being drained of all value, so people who panic sold on exchanges also had a reasonable position as there was no real viable way for 8-10 billion to suddenly rush in to defend the entire peg directly on the market.

I don’t think the two groups should be pitted against each other. I would put them at an equal priority level. That’s why I would set the snapshot at the first depeg block so that everyone who had money in Anchor then would be at the same refund priority level. The clause about returning your UST will be in your favour since you have it just sitting there - those who sold will have to rebuy it on the market to ameliorate the double-reward problem. Hopefully this makes sense.