[Proposal] Tiered repayment: 1:1 USDC refund to all UST holders up to a certain cap per-wallet using LFG funds, favouring small wallets

Fatman is da man

no they lie to you with this plan you will lose 95% of your UST 1 dollar

same I agree; the amount of UST folks who DID NOT SELL their UST post depeg should get back 100% at $1 USD per UST


You will get a partial refund from LFG and you will get a token drop if you hold UST right now. I don’t agree with this since it ignores people who had UST before the depeg. Do Kwon has accounted for LUNA holders before the depeg just fine, but is rewarding current UST holders who are picking it up for pennies on the dollar despite the problem being the same (massive crash that makes buying lopsided towards people today compared to pre-attack).

We will see how much LFG awards small holders. The gambling aspect of waiting for a token drop is not ideal and they really should include savers who panic sold if they’re going to include LUNA holders who panic sold as well. The methodology being so different is a really weird double standard.

I am also getting word that a potential bankruptcy lawsuit is in progress against TFL. This is unlikely to happen or work, but it’s a thing that’s out there. It could be a better road to restitution if TFL continues ignoring the community’s cries for help & consensus.


that’s the worst possible thing he could do right now, we still have no idea if we have to buy back to get a refund while ust price goes up

Totally agree with you on that.

How do we get this to a vote? This website is awkward as shit.

How do we vote on this?


Is there an official class action lawsuit I can join against LFG, Do Kown, or Terra Luna? I lost an incredible amount of money holding UST. Do Kwon stating publicly that there was a recovery plan in place also kept me from selling at 0.75. Instead, I held until 0.1088 and lost 90% of everything. UST was marketed as a stablecoin, not just by Luna, but by the exchanges as well. They (the exchanges) are just as complicit in this sc@m as LFG and Luna.


This is the best proposal


Does anyone have the invite link to the discord that Fatman mentioned? @FatMan

I like this proposal, how we can vote it?
and also, have you thought about a possible fork after the full refund of all? Would it still be possible to do this? (economically speaking)

Thanks @FatMan

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Whales included here.

To be frank, there is no way big holders will just sit back and watch it drain to zero. They’ll naturally be the first to jump ship because of several advantages they have over you and me, like access to professional assistance, insider info etc.

Most sensical and community-supported proposal yet.


No way to take the

  • “Pre-attack” snapshot to be taken at at Terra Classic block 7544914 (2022.05.07 23:00:04+08:00)
    Non sense, I sold in the panic before that and bought again immediately after hoping to recover my money.
    So now I am penalized because you (us) have been attacked? If this happens I will never trust anymore one single transaction.

Just keep the transactions with the status as it is now and work from there. Otherwise, you should have closed down transactions, but you have left them open and we have traded hoping for a miracle.

you will get 25% Luna token. UST was an experiment which failed. Luna is Terra.

UST is debt that needs to be paid back otherwise nothing can move forward.


Debt they will never payback

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The Community is united with Fatman

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Hey guys if you want your money back you need to vote YES to these two

Burn The Remaining UST in the Community Pool + Cross-Chain Liquidity Incentive UST

BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction

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