Proposal to significantly increase liquidity on Ethereum Curve UST pools through the use of Votium, Convex, and Tokemak

Update: Dec 22, 2021
Today marked the second Votium incentive deposit and our first reward claim ahead of the upcoming gauge vote.

Today’s UST-3CRV pool size: 392,566,360.43
Dec 13 UST-3CRV pool size: 206,159,954
this is a 90.4% growth in the pool.

CVX harvested: 15,396.70
CRV harvested: 73,668.44

Cumulative vlCVX: 24,825.76 ~= $932k

New votium incentives have been deposited:
UST-3CRV: 11,602.99 Luna ~= $1m
MIM-UST: 11,602.99 Luna ~= $1m