Proposed Ziggy Fork + Escrowed Buyback (1/n)


Yet, Ziggy - as it was initially proposed - did make no mentions of pulling a fork and having a dedicated gaming chain. (The multipart chapter back in January or so)

The original Ziggy proposal suggested modifying the Oracle Exchange Rate. As pointed out to me, this is a consensus-failing alteration, and has gone over 5-6 different iterations since. That is the nature of creating. If you would like to return to voting on modifying Oracle Exchange Rates, you can put that up for vote and see how it goes.

Not to mention - the team that has been proposed leaves me puzzled. LUNCDao? Alex?

As mentioned in P#11324, anybody can work on Ziggy. Personally, I don’t care for identities, doxxed or pseudonym. If you produce good work, you produce good work. If you want funding for that work, you apply for funding, either privately or through the DAO. I don’t really care. In terms of a MS controlled in a 5/9, it’s not preferred. I’d rather have Anchor forks that are integrated with individual validators. This is a much easier way to diffuse risk.

Just the method chosen is a 180 of what I intially expected and had hype for.

What is the initial expectations and hype for you? Expectations and hype can really dampen things, because you have an idea in your head that you’re reliant on someone else to procure for you. When working at scale, those ideas simply become a shared Venn Diagram, and you choose which overlaps work for you.

And it seems that Duncan hasn’t exactly communicated this plan with all the team members beforehand. RedLiner will move on with his idea as Ziggy or partitioned pools will not exactly overlap, yet the idea was - as I understood - to have all the different parties together and meld their ideas into one, definitive solution (if possible).

I have a few people who are volunteering their time to help me out. Redline is on my team as much as those people are, because we are working on collective solutions for a collective product (“blockchain” and “protocols”).

The analogy I have provided prior is: “in order to sail the Seven Seas, you’ll want to send out more than 1 boat.” How many boats did Columbus take with him?


they are fools !!! they want to fork again, to fix a secondary wrapped shitty coin that nobody gives a damn. the chain is like holes in swiss cheese. this proposal was made with the sole purpose of making us sink, and ruin your day I don’t think it’s real.

Imagine that you could transfer your LUNC to any chain – any chain at all! (Maybe except Bitcoin)
Do you want to use your LUNC on Ziggy? On Terra Classic? On Phoenix? Maybe a chain you don’t know about in the future?
If you just have LUNC, then, well, you’re definitely limited to just that. If Terra Classic simply resets to using LUNA and reverting “classic” artifacts, then you could do that, indeed!
wLUNA holders understand this notion. Instead of downplaying them, see from their eyes, see the immense value proposition they bring to the table, and lever it instead.


I have a different kind of question that you have partially addressed in your paper.

You have noted and shared with us that the Terra Foundation owns and operates the current Terra Luna Classic Community. So legally, we already have an owner, or as far as I understand.

Now the question is different - are you looking at working on legalities for either Ziggy, Stardust or UST to separate it from TFL? Or are you doing this so that UST can be retained with TFL? Or are you not working on the legalities part at all (for now)?

I am also asking you this because to fork the chain next time, I would personally like to see some kinda liabilities associated to this operation so that if anything goes wrong, the development team has to pay back to the community pool whatever losses we make. You are aware about the UST minting issue that happened last time. We need to account for such things in the future even if I am the one who is doing this.

This is our responsibility towards the chain.

In terms of liability, the fork is instantiated with a new Oracle Rewards Pool that is seeded with opt-in investors. If that number is 0, then Oracle Pool Rewards will be 0 for validators and delegators. You utilize replicated security on a validator set and give them controlling shares of the network in order for them to secure a baseline ROI based on RewardDistributionWindow (24 months). If the network doesn’t accrue any value, then their risk is mitigated, though not nullified (I do not believe in “risk-free” investments, only risk-minimized, such that it appears grossly asymmetric for the investor).

Terra needs to focus on global adoption. Regulations for individual fiats apply to the Terra fiat assigned to the country’s own chain (eg manhattan-1, bombay-1, etc). If the US does not want to support this version of Terra (Ziggy/Stardust), then we simply deprecate its use and allow other countries to do it. This does mean that, in order to roll back value to USTC, it needs to be converted via LUNA, or otherwise, SDT. Not really something I recommend in general because it’s basically saying “I don’t want this country to be part of the market share for X industry.”

Startups are often associated with high-risk ventures, so, to reduce liability on the dev side, you can vest tokens/coins as determined by protocol, eg Oracle rewards. For example, a dev multisig (or similar solution) can be publicized. Then, the money for those payments are vested into it, either over time, post-deliverables, or both.

As far as liabilities related to minting x UST, the idea is to provide some kind of lock-up for people who don’t want exposure to volatility. That would mean converting to something like USDT/USDC at the dollar rate prior to fork. Anybody who “bought cheap” and wants to ride it up to $1 or $0 takes on the risk by not converting.


For these reasons and more I oppose your plan and believe in my own. As you mentioned the 1.2% burn tax in your response to me, which is part of my Vision Plan, I gave this explanation, otherwise I won’t go off-topic here and leave it to your proposal.

More than welcome to have that. The only problem I have seen with the burn tax is the cost associated with the middle “income” tranche; largest holders are exempt from taxation, poorest holders receive large benefits, and middle holders essentially pick one side or the other. It also prefers the largest holders over an arbitrary amount of time, creating a “valley curve” of wealth distribution. If you trim supply across the board across all wallets, it’s a game of chicken on who pays taxes first, given a static environment. ie, there needs to be more dynamism in order for me to support an increase of a global tax. I actually would like to strive towards the 2-basis-point fee rate over time, but that can be discussed elsewhere.


Without LFG wallets, we can rebuy 90%~ of supply in 0.02-0.1 range.

If the chain owns 10% of the supply, then you have to “rush in” so much value that it drives the price exponentially up, and in a short period of time. That is to say, if the max range is ~$980K for on-chain, you need to put in 10x that amount plus some because you’re going to get sell-offs all the way up. There is no other way to do this except to tax until year 3005, expropriation, or some other form of manipulation that goes against blockchain ethos and standards.


Please stop this tasteless joke, this post was started with the sole purpose of proposing something totally absurd and intricate with the sole purpose to induce investors to sell all their lunc tokens, it’s not serious…

Would you like to elaborate?

@RabbiJebediah , @Tonu_Magi

Fair enough, I’ve seen this complaint brought up by multiple people now.

Again, I would like to clarify what people thought their hopes and expectations were. At any point we can flip the switch and go to $1. The way you prefer is going to vastly differ. Do you want to be taxed until we get there? Do you want to onboard new capital? Do you want to test the algorithm and scale it? How long do each of those methods take? Should everyone be subject to all of them at once?

If you have a better vision, and have your own set of expectations and hype, then I highly suggest pursuing it yourself.


I was thinking if we use partitions instead of a fork you can actually tie Duncan’s, Zaradars and mine together. It would also mean all transactions stay on the Terra Classic network.

So that could still be done if that what people want, they don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

It’s the much easier way to do it. Compare the two architectures:

[uluna] – [uluna] – [uluna] – […] – [uluna]

<(uluna, tbtc, teth, tmir, …), (uusd, ukrt, ugbt, ujpy, …)

Difference between having a bunch of different chains (still necessary as “rollup” style protocols) and using a simple List/Dictionary/KVP mechanism of Type<Luna, Terra>.


We just need to keep burning and create utility. . NO new coins, no new forks.


I re-read all the arguments, a lot of different things, but why does no one think about the applicability of LUNС in real life? Once we make the coin in demand, everything else will be just a matter of time.

Let’s build the user service and user interface first and users will fill the community budget with billions, and then it will be much easier to find solutions already received from the network using the best professionals in the market.


How long it will take to implement?

Imagine you have a dude who keeps touting and teasing the repeg on Twitter, Discord, research papers, multipart discussions - all while keeping Terra Classic in the spotlight. This will be it!
Only to do a 180 on it.
I suppose we didn’t expect the outcome to be what Kwon pulled. Fork it, make a new token, find a new theme - gaming!, make a new governance.
Funds? Funds come from the old chain until the new token sales pick up


What did you expect from Alex Forshaws and Akujiros associate Don? They are also known as fork&mint team.

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Imagine you have a dude who keeps touting and teasing the repeg on Twitter, Discord, research papers, multipart discussions - all while keeping Terra Classic in the spotlight. This will be it!
Only to do a 180 on it.
I suppose we didn’t expect the outcome to be what Kwon pulled. Fork it, make a new token, find a new theme - gaming!, make a new governance.
Funds? Funds come from the old chain until the new token sales pick up

  1. The chain’s use case comes from using it and the community has aberrantly nixed anything on this front (we are still awaiting Ginkou, little support for similar ventures e.g. Nova via Onyx)
  2. You must realize that given the chain’s active supply (10%) there is no way to re-peg it other than sustaining velocity at 10x of said supply (ie, bring in $10B or bleed $1B)
  3. You can opt-in to Ziggy, meaning if nobody opts-in, the coin’s value is 0; if devs create this with 0 cost other than waived payments/equity, then all investors are “virtually” risk-free
  4. What are you using the funds for, as a community? It looks like, as of late, L1 team won’t be funded. It seems like this is an easy target to short to 0. What is the OP/CP funds to-be used for?
  5. Where did I say that SZT would have governance? I have mentioned to others that it should be a rotating asset function using Alliance; the only thing SZT would facilitate are open, bazaar-like markets (ie make your own pop-up shop and sell your trinkets for whatever you want to price it at)
  6. Demurrage model is contributing to L1;
  7. Are sidechains/rollups out of the question? These are commonplace amongst industry leaders like Ethereum.
  8. Do you understand how a temporary sidechain would operate in this instance?

Surely there is some mode of misunderstanding, but I would like to highlight Point #2.



This was funny. I had to reply to it.

@wrapped_dday this is why I was saying please reconsider the team you have proposed to us.

You are saying you wish to work with Z but Z does not want to work with us. So you will need to figure the final team if you need to put this up for voting.

I do not have any doubt on whether you are capable of leading a quant team or a new side chain. Maybe you are. But developers are a queer bunch of people. You need to be absolutely sure about who your partners are and make sure they are also acceptable by the overall community.

The current proposed members are not very palatable to the community, to say the least. You might wanna reconsider that.

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And there we go again, nixing a proposal due to names chosen to take part on the endeavor…

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We are not here to micromanage anything and it is Duncan’s responsibility how he manages his team.

He still needs to propose a team so that we know how much is the cost of development. It can’t be the same cost of development for different people with different skill-sets.

If you want the community to pay for Alex from the CP, I wish you luck with that.

But that’s what Rabbi does with his series of alternate proposals flipping original proposals …

And I’m pretty sure you are aware that USTC repeg is a demanding endeavor that requires people with specific knowledge and skill-sets, not any dev wanting to prove himself as the next LUNC savior

I don’t know Alex, thus I have nothing against him. He was bashed by proposing wages for the new multisig signatories (nothing different from echelon prop or L1 past and current proposals) and for coming up with a repeg plan aroun another coin (that frequently gets refurbished by many people over Agora). Rabbi tried to silence him off with an outrageous proposal that was dismissed a couple of times (that’s why I play around his v2, v3 and v4)

Also I don’t have anything against Zaradar. A line of argument between devs over GitHub doesn’t turn him into a bad coder from day to night. And he is entitled to his personal opinions beings respected (that’s democracy, isn’t it?!?) but li I stated before, the guy is in the right to react since he is being targeted on a personal level by individuals (not gonna call bad actors cause I don’t know their true colors). Likewise, he is in his right to not accept work that he feels underpaid (but no one proposed a reduced fee do the l1 q2 proposal as of now)


I hope you realise that you just wrote Shalom like Rabbi.

Again and again. STOP talking about $10b, half of tokens - TFL (block or 100% tax), another can be rebuyed on exchanges in 0.02-0.1. Proposal - any forks its very-very bad for us. No.

Our main target now - stop any ustc distribution.

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Shalom my friend.

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Shalom :pray:

There is no way for me to determine real human beings from non real human beings in this case since all of you are either Jewish or all of you are the same person. This is getting a bit problematic in the community.

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so many negative people are not going to allow this blockchain to progress

Try to separate the message from a person. It is not required to know who a person is in many cases.

In many cases, such as this, it absolutely is necessary.

To separate the good from the evil.