Support this post if you don't want to fork at all

You are right!


Agree with that, they should find a way to burn the extra supply they made after the depeg. like apply a tax of 7% on every transaction until we reach the amount of Luna they are suggesting to offer which is One Billion.


I agree and support this proposal. I still own UST and LUNA, and don’t want a fork. Save this blockchain starting from the savings of small UST holders


No fork, that’s all


No fork!

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Do not Fork it

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You will literally be handed garbage in exchange for your lost investment. Do you think the stick is nicer on the other side?

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no no no no

While I chose to invest in LUNA I certainly thought that the LFG would have liquidated and stepped in more…but of course they wanted to preserve their own asses. Were you on the exchange that day Cyberman? I was and there is no way in hell that anyone would undercut the low buy on the exchange by 50%. Only a runaway algorithm that broke would devalue LUNA so fast like that. The price was 84.5 CAD and the the bots came on with 10000 LUNA and started selling it at 50% off…undercutting the real people by 50% every time we thought there was a bottom. 84.5 to 40!!! WHO DOES THAT?

Then 40 to 20, 20 to 10, 10 to 1 etc etc etc until we were drowning in LUNA. It wasn’t cool and like I said a real person would never sell like that…going up against an algorithm with nothing to lose…we were screwed right from the start!

So we’re all supposed to do what with our “LUNA CLASSIC” Mr. DO KON? Yeah that’s my new meme name for you DO KWON…DO KON you like it? Well I hope the end result of this fork they are trying to ram through is that nobody invests in LUNA 2 and everyone keeps driving up the value of “CLASSIC LUNA.” Wouldn’t that be hilarious? I still don’t know what role LUNA CLASSIC is supposed to play in all this…what a joke.

Can’t we just buy some really cheap Luna and vote against the fork? Also why Can’t i create a new post in the forums?


而现在,所有人都翘首以盼luna能有一次真正意义上的重生,但显然,事到如今,do kwon这个卑鄙小人想要放弃那些损失惨重的普通投资者,而采取保护他的利益集团。


we don’t want luna fork


Bad idea, nobody needs a new Terra2. 90% of people are in favor of burning extra coins!


Because the conditions that pushed for the fork to happen was different from what happened with Terra.

Ony BURN…no others can save LUNA

Please, keep the discussion in the relevant proposal and make your voice count by voting on Terra Station.

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