Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2 [PASSED GOV]

In addition to prosecution, there is no other way. Under the circumstance that he is preparing to fork, if someone goes to extremes and goes beyond the scope of the law, I think it is understandable. It is sold off-market, with no details, whether btc is saving the community or its goddamn friend is currently unknown; it is ready to fork, trying to make new money from old seeds, and regardless of the current disaster, it does not want to shell out a Divide money to respond to the community, which was foreseen in my previous reply! It fork has another purpose, which is to destroy all relevant transaction details in an attempt to exonerate! If the damn people are still ready to believe it, just say you wait to be buried! The purpose of the fork is that you use money to create this brand for him. It feels that it has the value of making money and does not want to give up, but obviously if it is done from the repurchase, this will make it feel at a loss, so it must be represented by a new air currency. Its compensation, while regaining control of this community without spending a penny, for a chance to earn money! :face_vomiting:


You take advantage on building up the Terra ecoystem by UST and once tried to rescue Terra by pegging UST with USD saying it was necessary. Now you suddenly change your tone saying Terra is not all about UST. A three years old child would tell what kind of person you are. You just want us, the UST left holders who once believed in Terra “D I E”…

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Having given birth to two children, both of them fell ill with a serious illness that was difficult to treat and cost a lot of money. Although very heartbroken, but Terra and Do Kwon accept to throw away 1 child, 1 child to be raised by society. giving birth to a new baby is easy. Poor abandoned children

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Not to mention, rewarding UST holders at the time of the new chain (instead of pre-depeg, like you’re doing for LUNA holders) will massively reward speculators currently snapping up UST for $0.07 instead of savers who bought in for $1.

This is the one part of your post I disagree with. I think the snapshot should be roughly around when everyone realized that the thing completely collapsed and there was no hope. You’re right that doing it at launch is wrong because of people scooping up cheap UST. However, rewarding the pre-depeg people also has its problems:

  1. People that got out of UST early, let’s say between 0.90$ and 1.00$, would be over-compensated. They get away with the dollar value they originally had in UST and then get the new tokens on top of that
  2. Why should people who bailed at the first sign of trouble and contributed to the depegging be rewarded? Referring to people who quickly started selling in the high 0.90s.
  3. Some crazy but passionate folks deployed their own capital to try and save the peg as it spiraled downwards. It would be wrong to brush those people off entirely
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Que buena ignorada a la comunidad le dió :person_facepalming:

Someone start a petition and get this guy out of here. I will sign!!! no one wants a fork him

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Not willing to make the pre attack UST holders whole just shows what kind of soulless people run things

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We do not want a fork, just implement the burn mechanism!


I don’t believe a value proposition of great UI/UX is going to differentiate and succeed versus other projects. I still think trying to salvage/iterate UST is the way forward.

i think a fork might not be a bad idea because development chain which will be LUNA will not be together with LUNAC which will have UST. That way if in the future anything happens to UST, well we don’t crash the whole ecosystem.

How do i vote? Im in kucoin, we have about 200m LUNA with some friends.

Burning is the way to go. Even now the prices are low so they can buy and fill

If you don’t start to burn the tokens, think of the many people who will haunt you in the future, who have lost so much. You have only one option - start to burn the tokens. Even after the collapse your traders continued to sold and traded the tokens, it means that you earned and people are lost their money, it was a robbery from your side.

This is very bad approach to make a fork. Luna V2 will died together with a trust to you! You will have no other chance to trick the people. Luna V2 is a trick and a very bad decision! Some people bought after the price drop. I bought after the collapse for 55$ and for 22$, and what will be with my coins and value?! You didn’t tell people to stop buying the coins, you tricked people. This is shame situation. You are hacking people and you are lying people, you are thinking only about your ass. If you will not start to burn the tokens, it will be the end for Luna and maybe the end for some personalities from Luna. People lost millions, and you want to fck them again by this fork? :face_vomiting:


We don’t want a new chain, we want a recycling plan for the existing luna coins that are planned to land

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How is the plan to distribute the airdrop for investors on the kucoin exchange, my friend?

who gave you permission to talk after giving so much suffering to us,
u deserve to be in hell and jail

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This plan says nothing as to how the repeg will be repaid on the old chain at $1. This is criminal.

루나를 태우기나 하십시오

그리고 거래소마다 가격이 달라
유저마다 들고있는 Luna보유량이 다른데
그 기준이면 한국거래소에서 산 유저는 버린다는거 아닙니까?

Holders who purchased luna at high cost on the binance exchange should have the relevant airdrop compensation


I propose that we organize groups of this kind, because I am in the same situation as you. Before depeg, I bought UST and held it for a long time. I didn’t sell it until May 14th, and then I panicked and bought it. Luna, after the price crashed, I only have more than 34,000 Luna left, now worth $7

With this one, we should wait 2 or 4 years, it is not good while new project wont successfully. Give up guys, I cannot understand what is kind of CEO and the team.