Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan

Disagree, a lot of people buy from high all the way down to the low

Whoever propose and support unlimited issue of Luna should take full responsible

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I feel for everyone who lost money. I was also liquidated by the fall in the crypto market. But I believe you cannot blame Luna team for your loss. You have only to blame yourself. Time and time again we have been told that if you want to put your money into something, be prepare to lose it and only ensure you lose what you can afford. I empathise do those who took bank loans and used their house as loan collateral to buy into crypto, I say I hope you learn your lesson and dont be foolish and reckless again.

Please provide SPECIFIC guidance regarding what needs to be done by EACH and EVERY UST / LUNA holding option.

Example - Anchor UST Stakers need to do a
bLUNA users need to do b
aUST users with aUST on Kujira need to do c
Central Exchange users that bought UST on the exchange need to do d
Central Exchange users that bought LUNA on an exchange need to do e
Holders that have their assets on an exchange need to do f
Holders that have their assets on TerraStation need to do g

Explain the Bridge, explain the wrapped LUNA
Explain the different options to ensure everyone understands whether or not they will be included in the airdrop of the new coins.
Explain how much each one of these types of individuals / wallets should get (percentage)

Anything less would be unacceptable and would destroy trust in the ecosystem.

I am a longterm holder and user of the ecosystem. Most of my LUNA (over 16k LUNA was on an exchange) but a lot was on Anchor, and some was on Kujira in bids for bETH, bLUNA etc.

The lack of information is astounding. Even in this forum many questions are not addressed; however, Terra is moving forward with what I can only assume is a planned step in the recovery process.

Someone knows something, but nobody is explaining anything.

If you want to destroy trust in the community simply ignore this message.

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I believe this would be inclusive of those who staked Luna on terra station to help secure the chain who were unable to withdraw due to the 21-day rule?

If the new chain is community backed, cut from TFL, why don’t we just put the ceiling in airdrop?

Say, 10k luna per wallets. That’s $1 mil in fiat at its height. Save the rest to community vault and use it to subsidize builders and protocols.

This way we more decentralized.

Algorithmic stablecoins like UST don’t keep a stack of USD for emergencies (like USDC/USDT do). Any value that went into the system when UST was purchased was reflected in an increase in the price of LUNA (e.g. it went up over $100/coin) and not fiat stored in the bank account. When that $100-LUNA turned into fraction-of-a-penny-LUNA all that value evaporated.

It would be nice if UST depositors got their money back. The project would have to find at least $10 billion USD in the seat cushions or something. This proposal was written… because those funds don’t exist.

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UST’s depeg does not make mathematical sense.

We all bought UST with real dollar on a 1:1 peg, even Anchor has paid a 19% yield on the deposited UST in the past 1-2 years (?), the value in UST deposit should not have been diluted so fast as to now each UST is worth only $0.11.

How the value in our hard USD was diluted (and possibly siphoned somewhere else) while deposited as a pegged ‘stable’ coin, is in question.

Terra may not be able to offer UST depositors an answer, but it owes its UST depositors their money back.

It is not always about doing things right. (Clearly not everything has been done right.) Now it is about doing the right things.

The following proposal makes sense, if applied to the UST depositors who had held UST all the way until days after the depeg, before the halt of the Terra blockchain– [Proposal] Tiered repayment: airdrop USDC/USDT to small UST holders on Terra - Governance & Proposals - Terra Research Forum

Same can be said about the people chasing a 20% apr…

It is necessary to calculate the investment to the rate of #UST #LUNA tokens at the time of purchase and make proportional distributions. It will take longer but it will be fair @stablekwon @terra_money

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They take my 6200 luna…and i ask all of you one thing…who have the rights to close my portfolio?..the answer its…only i have this right…i pay the trading companies because the give me her services…not to decide for my money…its wrong and a big foul for them…they saw to all of us who they are…they are a part of a system…not with the trader’.The wants someone with money and lawyer’s to give them a good lesson.
My money …My choice.

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People who buy UST before this depegging event (with 1:1 dollar) should be refund at the most rate (what the company or team can afford), because for god’s sake it’s a stablecoin, people buy UST because they trust LFG/Kwon that it’s a stablecoin and should not have any volatility! it’s totally different from LUNA buyers (who want to take profit from the volatility), LUNA is more like securites, and UST is not (which Kwon yourself has tweet before, did you forget??)

All UST holders before depegging should be redeem 1:1 dollar, it LFG fund cannot afford this, at least they should refund as much as possible to UST holder first. It’s just like a bank (decentralized), they need always try to pay back the fiat depositer.

So you should also take the on-chain UST/aUST snapshot before this depegging event, not the UST snaptshot after the depegging (which a lot of people buy at lower than 1 cent)


Inflation is exactly what you want when you owe money…I get 1 USD for UST/Luna and I pay back 0.1

It is necessary to calculate the investment to the rate of #UST #LUNA tokens at the time of purchase and make proportional distributions. It will take longer but it will be fair @dokwon


So basically your plan is to reward early investors for dumping on us and giving all of us the shaft? If what you’re planning is a salvage operation do it according to holding pre-crash in both ust and Luna tho, at this point I’d say buy out as much ust as possible and burn it… end of story… that’ll reward those that believed and stayed behind to try and defend the peg… I lost it all in there but still continued to buy luna to the bitter end


It makes mathematical sense: every algorithmic stablecoin (other than DAI) has died in a death spiral like this. It did happen pretty fast though: if you want to watch it again take a look at Justin Sun and TRON - they’re just getting started blowing up their USDD algorithmic stablecoin. They may pull it off even faster: Anchor offered 20% interest but Justin is offering 30%!

Can lose, right?!? :slight_smile:

Is it possible to strip out community comments or have a forum that’s read only that only includes devs and operational team’s views?

I have no problem saying that I bought sub $1. I have no issue in admitting that I would like to make profit in the next few years.

Knowing that I’m likely to be diluted by the trillions club in the 10%, the same club where the attackers are no doubt still holding coins, ready to make more profit when the time comes, I’m more concerned at this point seeing how the devs, partners and validators feel. I’d like to know they are being looked after and more importantly, still want to build and develop on Terra.

IMO, there’s no rush now to reset to 1b coins (maybe I’m wrong). you had your chance to act quickly, it’s gone now. Measuring the sentiment of the core teams is what matters now, this could take weeks.

You said it yourself; Terra has some of the smartest people going. I don’t see a reason, why short term speculative bets can’t pay off, with the core community making back what they’ve lost over time.

The main point being, I don’t see the views of our smartest people here or on twitter (not that I care for this medium). I see finger pointing, perferential treatment and a childish, desperate attempt to want to turn back time, by a select few kids with too much money, who can run away, start something else. Life doesn’t work like that!

I don’t care for splits or who has what coin. I want to know which actors received big money off of this, I want their names dragged through the mud and I want to know our core people are committed and shielded by the politics that distract them from what they love.


Right now its not the dead end yet for for luna and ust just because the price is extremely low at the moment, as long as we regain investors and market trust and confidence the price for luna and ust will go back up eventually, but if you take what is left right now, definitely it’s the end for luna and ust.

Debt holder collector usually don’t get much out from any liquidation, they will be extremely lucky to get 40% back from their investment.

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First, thank you for co-founding Terra. Even after all that fiasco, the network was more stable than the others during the nft mint. If this is a major stress test for the network, it passed.

I generally agree with your suggestions.
However, I would reduce the percentage of speculators (gamblers) and fledgling whales as much as possible!

As for the token allocation.

Instead of creating only one snapshot, it would be better to create multiple snapshots before the crash and from there until the blockchain stops

Then, the amount of tokens held by each should be compared so that those who held on to the end have a higher percentage, and those who have unfortunately run away have a lower percentage!

Please quantify loyalty and differentiate the distribution percentages.

And please make those who are staking in all kinds of places eligible.

As for UST, it would be better to make multiple snapshots before the crash and from there until the blockchain stops, compare the holdings, and then consider the distribution percentage.

This is not a bailout for gamblers trying to make money in a depeg frenzy.


If the refreshed-billion-LUNA gets valued at a penny each… then I think every 40 UST would get about penny back in that LUNA? That super SUPER rough math: somebody tell me if they have a very different estimate.

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There is nothing wrong about seeking a 19% APR, if the saving product was offered by a reputable company that is legit and respectable, such as Terra or TFL.

If you don’t trust TFL, you were in LUNA for a quick profit I guess.