Terra Rebels Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance

These are Dell R740XD systems.

the 2 dell black servers at the top are firewalls in HA setup, we have a spare 10GB switch that we have not racked, and we planned to get a 2nd 40GB switch as well for SAN traffic, running cost is around $2600 a month.


Did you see how Allnodes represents a danger to the chain? You were warned but didn’t pay attention, now you are reaping what you deserve.

Enjoy it.

It’s not really AllNodes alone on that NO list!

They seem to have a business deal with TFL on the LCDs/FCDs etc. just like TCV, how about the rest of the validators then? One thing is clear, the DELEGATORs arm of the chain is still SLEEPING I cannot explain it another way…I don’t know why anyone would like to jump to TFM every time they want to swap multiple coins and not have a say in what goes on the Station website.

Hay, ho…it’s probably another one that will come to bite us in the near future.

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It is not convenient for allnodes to vote in favor of an infrastructure that is independent and that is not using their servers or services.

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Can someone explain what’s happening?

Is this cause of TCV? TFL wanna point their endpoints away from TCV? Lol. @echel0n ?

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I think it’s an acceptable proposal to make sure everything works the right way.


Very interesting development. Looks like my ideal setup is now a work in progress :slight_smile:

I feel sad that the proposal will not pass but at the same time, I really think this approach benefits both the community (alternative/backup live LCD/FCD endpoints should an issue were to appear on the hosted LCD/FCD) and is giving the opportunity to tune further the TR infrastructure if need be and prove to everyone our money was put to good use and is fit for purpose.

I don’t see this as a failed proposal anymore but rather a win/win scenario…(would help if was mentioned earlier but it is what it is)

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Its not over, TR will comply with the requests of Allnodes, TFL will re-point Terra Station endpoints to use our infrastructure for 24hrs this Monday



@echel0n why are you not merging the changes which stop sc(am proposals from being clicked on in the governance portal?

The changes had been merged to Terra Station almost 4 months back.

Are you the one publishing the sc)am proposals in the governance portal?

If not, why is this NOT a priority for you to protect voters from clicking on sc(am proposals?

I know that you are working with AllNodes to setup that TFL test. So you do not need to reply to me. But from the Git commits I can see that you are avoiding to merge that change which stops the sc(am links.

I wonder why.

I can see you are force merging your own main branch without any review and you have intentionally put a condition for 2 reviewers for my PR. You don’t even have 2 reviewers.

I assure you that talking to me or anyone else in TR like this will not get your PR’s reviewed any faster.

I am not about to just merge a PR without it going under review and testing, this is how mistakes are made, when we have the time, which most likely won’t be till later next week, we will take a look at your PRs.



Yes and I would not have talked like that had the change not been pending for 4 months. You do not have a reply to that I suppose why it wasn’t merged for 4 months. I haven’t done anything in that PR apart from merging the PR which was already existing for 4 months.

I am also saying this because there are quite a few sp(am and sc(am proposals in voting and even you can see that. I think it should be a priority to test that and merge the changes.

There is already measures in place to handle links that do not end with terra.money or terrarebels.net for our wallet


I saw that. Thanks for doing that. Now please also check these changes and merge these as well. Trust me, these changes along with the url filtering makes the wallet look much better and adds some missing features. Since you are obviously in work right now, I won’t disturb you any further with this but we can continue the conversation on GitHub.

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@echel0n, @raider7019
I see the infrastructure is struggling with the traffic volume redirected by TFL using the public endpoints.

Could you please keep us in the loop in regard to the tunings made to allow it to handle the amount of volume thrown at it (once you get there)?

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The endpoints for TFL have changed about 3 hours ago as far as I see it.

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I suggest checking twitter please, so many places to already update things at.


Seems like everything is working properly now:

This is the issue with Agora. If I fl(ag you, then this topic will shut down and if I don’t, you will continue like this.

But you are funny. I must say.

This is the reason we need a different Agora. This cannot work anymore.

This place is truly nonsense now. This isn’t governance anymore. This is a joke.

I am just continuing here, cause this is the official discussion forum whose link must be submitted in a proposal for voting, but I think I should begin working on a new forum. I will do it today. A forum that is connected to our wallets with voting functions integrated right into the forum code, etc.

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