To the remaining Validators on LUNC

Basically, the system of validation of lunc is disabled.

So, validators cannot change or even new ones wont be created.

The worst is they all migrate to new Luna. They all get the same amount of luna and can destroy the lifes of other investors.

For me it’s a scam to buy new luna. You just help these scammers to keep making money after losing 30 billions $.

And Lunc is deadcoin. All its fundamentals dont work anymore. And since there is no plan to save it, it’s also a scam to keep it listed on exchange or to allow buying it on Luna station.

Seriously, how can we trust Luna team or validators when we see that ?


PLEASE support this initiative so we get some progress >>>
we have a luna2 “burn club” validator in the process of starting, we miss delegations.
3% fee of which 2.5% will be used to buy back and burn lunc.
also, by staking with burn club, we get more voting power over terra/luna2 so overall it is a good plan
to move forward, until we figure out how to govern/revive lunc chain.


None that I know of.

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Nice idea. See LUNC DAO too for staking.


keep up bro,
can anyone tell me why all the validators even the pre-depeg heavy weight ones, have no voting power on lunc chain (talking about terra station )


So much for a community oriented platform if they totally dessert lunc /s

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Can you please tell me why you appreciate LUNC now?
Everyone who reads this post write a couple of arguments
In reply to this post

Here the foundations are being created for LunaC, the channel is growing

1- Only one = Trust

Depeg was a high possibility for UST. They knew it and added multiple mechanisms as minting of Luna and Luna foundation reserves.

They failed miserably…

And after 5 days just gave up on the project to start a new blockchain that is basically a copy and paste of old luna without ust.

How can you trust a team like that ?

Above all when the community give them ideas and they don’t even want to try them.

What will happen the next time ?

90 millions $ have been hacked in October from mirror protocol.

If Luna get hacked, they will just say too bad for you. Buy Luna 3 and shut up.

It’s why. Me I just cannot buy any new Luna. I saw the price at 4$ and didn’t want it. For me, this luna blockchain is an empty shell, a p.onzi and a scam currently.

I need to see some proofs, they manage that crisis seriously.

No matter who’s plan it is, you must have noticed, the commonality is converting debt to asset. UST is already damaged. It cannot repeg and nobody wants to buy all of them out. It must be converted to asset. 2:1 UST:LUNA ratio of LUNC to each holder is our recommendation in addition to $1 restitution bonds to UST holders. Now that all are on LUNC, then get LUNC bonds to pay out in UST2. We can ditch LUNA2 as it becomes redundant at this point.

Forgive my ignorance, but if governance requires the staking function which uncle Do declines to enable, how does anyone vote on anything? Without that, and the validators, it’s a deceased blockchain, no?

Staking was disabled after block 7885489

And validators seems on LUNC. Take a look:

They cannot vote anymore. LUNC is

I sent you a message and am hoping to discuss some ideas with you regarding the future of LUNC.

Can you explain with a diagram how the 6.5t Luna was suddenly produced and to whom it was sent ?

This is simple. People who wanted to get out of UST used the native mechanism of the Terra Blockchain to burn the UST and received $1 worth of Luna. As the Luna price decreased the amount of Luna minted for each burned UST token increased. At the end 1 UST token burned would provide a large number (1000s) of Luna.

This was a key native function of the Terra blockchain.

This is a simplified explanation which should answer some of their questions. However the main issue was also the severe increase in UST supply happening simultaneously. UST was the 1ST to break.

There was never enough supply of UST at the time of the attack, to create 6.5 Trillion LUNA coins. There was a constant new supply of UST getting minted.

LUNA (version 1) was targeted, it was not a random error. Was it insiders, or was it those who were shorting it responsible. Maybe both are one in the same.


In your search for validators interested in LUNC - check out the whitelisted proposal and the 25 validators voting Yes on it they obviously still have an interest

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Yes thank you, I have done this. I have sent a number of emails to them. I got a few responses but not a lot. Time will tell lol.

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When you buy something, its value increases, when you burn something, its value increases. so this is a situation that cannot be explained by the UST-LUNA relationship.

1-You can’t give UST to anyone with Airdrop, because “stablecoin” is accepted, if it’s done, it’s a scam.

2- I think someone with 5 billion UST would not sell at a loss up to $0.1.

3- If UST is burn, the UST value will increase, not decrease(must be related to the value of the real dollar).

4- If UST sells and buys LUNA, the LUNA value will increase.

5- Let’s say you are right, there was no outside intervention in the system. System crashed from wrong
calculation. So that means the 6.5T LUNA is built and sold by terra, where is that money?

6- Where is the billion dollars allegedly spent by the community?

7-again, assuming you are right, why were LUNC distributed to users who sold UST cheaply, they preferred to sell their assets for 0.1 dollars instead of 1 dollar. (Would you sell your real 1 dollar for 0.1 euro?)

So in summary, it is impossible for both of them to decrease in value without much production of UST or LUNA by someone.

In the descriptions, the phrase “attackers” is mentioned. This was not clarified. Investors are not informed, they do not make an effort to reveal it. We need to focus on these weird things.

Remember, billions of dollars are not an amount that can be easily laundered.

The UST peak was $18.7 billion. This means that there is 18.7 billion dollar cash in the safe. Let’s say you managed like a child, they made a loss 50% again, shouldn’t they have close to 10 billion in their safe and the value of UST be 0.5 dollars?


Good day. I have compiled a list of all the validators that was on validator-profiles/validators at master · terra-money/validator-profiles · GitHub.

I cannot upload excel document. I am not clued up with telegram and twitter. Maybe the social names can be used.

I included all the validators on the list and not just the top 100
terra validators.pdf (398.1 KB)

Here is PDF version if that can help


Thank you this is a big help. I spent the last week or 2 building a list, which is not this complete so you saved me a lot of time and work. :slight_smile: Time I now have to move this plan forward.