Alternate L1 Task Force Spending Prop for Q2 2023

A breath of fresh air. The stale uncool devs like Toby and Eddie are on their way out. That’s a good thing. We do not want to pay grifters. I will be voting yes. Let us bring truly hungry and capable devs!


No with veto :clown_face::rage:

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Normal companies fire bad employers like Mr. Tobias. we should do the same. Good developers can stay and bad ones are let go. no need to pay bad workers. and no need to pay administrative staff to manage such a small team. I will vote yes on this proposal!


You can’t fire a contractor. Not an employee.

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Hey ol’ goat, your stupid banter has been engaging. Keep up the dose of daily drama. Yet gotta give it to you - this is now the third or fourth failed proposal?
Maybe that’s a clue for you to take a hint? Investigate it! for free

You have completely ignored the question multiple times: Is any of the team members even aware of your cooked up plan with Baboon?

And answer is - besides, maybe Bilbo - no one?



This gets a huge yes from me. The mismanagement by the L1 team is staggering. Several months and thousands of dollars with nothing to show for but broken updates they were warned about. And now they’ve decided to redirect their attentions to things outside LUNC. We desperately need a team who knows what they’re doing.


Thanks LBA. I repeatedly asked you online and was informed that it would be done Q1, seems like you’re dancing on Semantics there.

However that’s fair, it did say that and you did deliver. Albeit the recommendation was super brief and I don’t actually remember it going up on Agora?

Can you open a vote? one day we will get rid of all the bad actors. :joy: No wit Veto :face_vomiting: :rofl: :troll:


Let’s get to vetoing this proposal, Rabbi. You have said all you have to say.


Although this splits the current L1 Task Force, we are not here to make friends and family.

This proposal is a much better solution to the L1 Task Force.

I think the employer/investor should be in a position to choose the employees and do what is necessary to make the company/chain grow.

P.S. Stop any sorta grouping/ganging up against other individuals in the community.


I’ve been saying for ages we need competition between dev groups eho wish to wprk on LUNC and get paid. This is a way forward.

  • its LEAN and contains absolutely 0 useless spending
  • no 120k $USD for Cayman Islands Tax Haven Lawyers
  • devs who actualy done any work are rewarded

Ideally id like to see an NDA tied up to this prop. People who take out money should NOT be on twitter promoting their private ideas and side project. Having an NDA would end very tempting dramas which we have seen for months.

Community is tired of seeing an endless leadership contest. We simply need devs to literally stfu and code.


Agree that ZaradarBH is not dev. we have to pay any longer but take a Gadikian in L1 team is not desirable !

this is gonna be a yes yes yes yes from me. Time to get the current bozos out.


So Ed left the team and Tobias as Troy’s horse to destroy the Terra classic chain! But why and for benefits whom ?
I wonder why Jacob Jadikian (Cosmos Senior Developer and CEO of Notional Labs) didn’t lead the team because he has good experience on the Cosmos and Terra chains?

I will not participate in any proposal in which another person is humiliated and defamed. This is a bad image for a community in addition to not contributing anything to the development of the blockchain.

Make an objective proposal that helps the development and growth of the community and the restoration of the blockchain


Although I don’t agree with splitting up the L1TF for now, and although I would agree that some of Zaradar’s personal opinions and tweets doesn’t sit right with me (the push for doxxing, or the constant quarrels on Twitter), and that there has been mismanagements during Q1 (mainly because, in my opinion, there was an awful lot of work to be done, but also the chain halt debacle that, as far as I understand it from an uninformed point of view, could have been avoided or demonstrated some lack of communication), I do not think they are ground for the removal of Zaradar from the L1TF.

But I do agree that the CP situation is a bit more dire than before Q1, and thus that we should cut corners wherever this is possible, especially on the legal liability funds for US citizens, or the raise of monthly rate, or even the generous salary for the project management, as the team isn’t that big and composed mainly of experienced devs. I have also already stated that I strongly think that the L1 Dojo should be moved to its own spending proposal.

One very good idea of the prop is the payment in 2 installments, and that is something I wish we would see on the first Q2 proposal also, if it could be updated ! Whichever team the community chooses, I believe that the payment should be made in two times, especially because we’re approaching some important updates. The second payment could be decided after a quick review of the result of the first 8 weeks or so.

Now, even if I am not in favor of this prop, and rather in favor of tweaks and updates to the first Q2 proposal, I think we should wait to review some of the work accomplished in Q1, especially the updates to come !
But this proposal is an alternative path, and it’s always good to prepare a plan B, although I would like plan A to go well, but it all depends of the work done.

I also wholeheartedly side with Rex1’s opinion about opinions, freedom of speech, and responsibility towards the project ! Surely one can post his opinions and have debates on twitter, but a figurehead of the community should do its best to be careful with displaying his opinions for every potential investor to see.
I also agree about the NDA idea, that really should be tied to both proposals, although it is quite an extreme measure but it seems to be the only surefire way to end dramas !

A lot of work is being done, I presume, but all the infighting on Twitter is really what is seen the most by the public at large !


Agree. Z - is bad PR for Terra Classic. He talks a lot, but does little, and now he wants more $ despite the unfinished Q1 work? I remember how he to tell us about “commodity tokens”, but it all turned out to be complete nonsense.

And don’t forget that we need $ for Duncan and Drifter devs now.



Part of the compensation, but not all, to these individuals should be performance based. At the beginning and end of the quarter how much did the price of LUNC go up, how many more new applications and utilities have been added on chain, compared to the beginning of the quarter, full accounting, how much extra incremental was burned. Anything else is a no go to any investor, CEO, executive, manager or planner. “Build and Burn” is a great sound byte but I dont see how this is being followed.

Mark M
Wanting to build forex apps !


And why does he call “kids” and/or trolls all those who disagree with him? Is a normal position, does it really help us expand the community?



No with veto + donating 5k to shut fake Rabbi and prevent him from coming up with alternate proposals that benefits whoever he has allied to …