Distribute the $4M in Off-Chain Community Assets Towards LUNC’s Revitalization [v3]

My dear “Rabbi”, you only speak of your own actions. :man_in_lotus_position: :pray:

:writing_hand: Everything you mention, is a reflection of your own mirror of lies and deceit. If I am wrong. Then prove it. Because you don’t put relevant facts. Is it because you can’t do it? None of what I have said, is conjecture. I have demonstrated it with facts and official information. And of course your own words that don’t correspond at all with what they do. I have demonstrated it in other comments here,

:writing_hand: Apparently you are very new to this community. You arrived on November 14 along with your “support” team. Suddenly, all those who support you, are about the same seniority or even newer. The older ones in the agora preserve the spirit of decentralization and transparency. And all of you, my dear Rabbi, only want the centralization of money, deceiving that this money is for TR and all the others. Most of them refused. And of course if you confirm it yourself. That you add them because otherwise nobody would be interested in your proposal. It is strange, isn’t it? That your own words are spam or troll as you like to say.

Those of us who have been here (in LUNC) for a long time cannot be fooled. Least of all those of us who know about the psychological manipulations that “politicians” use. You have a lot of that.

Thank you!

:pray: I thank you, anyway. Because from this, a lot of people in the community will find out how this kind of manipulation and deception works.

:eyes: But as I told you quite some time ago. I’m sorry you keep sowing evil. You are going to reap the same for yourself.

:seedling: :seedling: You will reap what you have sown. No more, no less. I’m sorry for you and your applauders. That is a universal law that cannot be altered. And no one can escape it. If you are truly religious, you know this to be true. But you choose the path that will make you suffer in the future, when the fruit of your sowing is ripe. If you sow deception. It will inevitably come back to you.

:tractor: :green_heart: :speech_balloon: I recommend you to choose the path of truth and transparency of your actions and words.

Thank you Rabbi and team.

:writing_hand: :man_in_lotus_position: :sunny: Always walk with the truth. Do not be tempted to use the opposite path.

:warning: :alarm_clock: And do not use these acts of manipulation anymore.

:writing_hand: :alarm_clock: The manipulation tactics they are currently using.

To the above, I would add points 3, 6 and 7. Of the 12 tactics used by the manipulators. And that they are currently using here and the other versions.

Good life to all. :sunny: :sunny:


@AlephA - I thank you with all my heart :pray: :two_hearts:

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