Final Vision Plan for LUNC to $1+

The plan is laid out here in the OP:

So first text signalling, then the next 3 proposals simultaneously or quickly.

The final whitelisting internal wallets and exempting deposits to exchanges occurs only after we have their agreement and prior to launch.

If you check the Dashboard in Terra Station at the time LUNC pumped from $0.00008 to $0.0006, you can see on 4th August 2022 volume was 59B LUNC per day, rising to 661B on 1st September, and rising to 3 trillion, then coming down to 173B on 16th September. So the price of LUNC going up 7.5x caused a 50x in on-chain volume. So like I said, the on-chain volume rises A LOT when LUNC pumps.

No burns are not useless burning reduces the hyperinflated LUNC supply and is mandatory for us to get to $1. My plan and Redline’s does not contradict he can keep working on USTC re-peg while we burn LUNC.

My plan involves implementing dfunk’s proposal here [Proposal] Exclude Smart Contraction Transactions from the scope of Burn Tax.

If there needs to have more done for them to be fully exempt then this needs to be discussed and considered more. At this time my plan only details putting in place the exemption as proposed by dfunk. If there are other mechanisms, like a whitelist that dapps can be added on, I’m fine with that. We can always do more subject to governance. My proposal will only cover dfunk’s proposal. It will be voted on as one of the tax proposals after the initial signalling proposal. If there is more that can be done for dapps in a reasonable way, that can be discussed and considered, but it would be separate or additional to my plan.