Final Vision Plan for LUNC to $1+

Isn’t there a whitelist for dex and dapps?

The whitelist proposal for smart contracts by dfunk passed governance recently New Economic Policy for Terra Classic: Set of 4 Proposals to Align Incentives (prop #11516), awaiting implementation by the L1TF. Once it’s implemented dapps will be able to apply by governance for their smart contracts to be on the on-chain tax whitelist. Regards.


I’m a Christian myself, and rest assured, you’re not following his guidelines regarding faith and wealth. He would never allow his name to be used to trick people just to generate self-profit (cause that’s your hidden agenda)

I would recommend that you vote no earlier than July 1st.

Thank you for the suggestion, but no. My proposal is going up for vote on June 1st, according to the schedule here:

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I don’t believe that.

I am and I keep the word of God, because I’m doing as He leads me with my plan to bless His people (and benefit LUNC investors) and in becoming a validator.

I am tricking nobody. That’s what you do. I speak the truth plainly. I glorify the name of Jesus Christ with my validator name and by doing His will, which you deeply hate. You falsely accuse me continually and refuse to stay on-topic to the proposal.


I dont know why you both involve god in things that do not concern him. This only mean to not treat you seriously :slight_smile:

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@reathum My proposal is free to read and consider based on its own merits, aside from matters of faith, which I did not bring up at all in the OP.

I respond when I am publicly unfairly attacked, mocked and falsely accused for my faith in Jesus Christ. If people want to reject the prop because of that, that’s their own call, they are free to vote how they please.

But people can also accept that I am a deeply religious person, which will never change, and consider the proposal based on its merits. Regards.


And, results? How this support lunc price or ustc repeg?

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Reduction of supply by organic means.

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I’m not the one proposing something based on my “godly vision”.

And I dont have to prove you anything.

How much have you contributed to burns since you started validating the chain? What have you developed in favor of the chain? What original proposal have you come up with (your vision plan is a blatant copy of dfunks props and discussions, amended with a 1.5-1.2 tax)? Have you learned how to connect your wallet to a DEX by now?!?

Besides preaching and giving away tokens to attract more delegations, I’ve seen none of those. Who’s tricking who, trickster?!?

I’ve seen a lot of things on this chat but you constantly bitch and moan, are you a supporter of the other communist approach? That would make sense.



I’m a supporter of realistic efforts towards the chain development. Im a supporter of the chain stability.

Chris doesn’t offer any kind of upgrade or enhance that could add value to our ecosystem, just means to keep LUNC as a memecoin.

All issues raised and questions asked are actual concerns (not only mine, btw) about his blockchain and crypto ecosystem knowledge, his misuse of faith to attract support to his cause, and the harm that his so called “vision plan” can cause to the chain (scroll up and you will find many questions regarding the outcome of having different taxes on and off-chain, regarding incentives CEX would accept besides whitelisting wallets). He dodged most question by copying and pasting his previous post, amending with personal attacks.

If you think he is right by trying to mess with the tax once again, a couple of week after we finally approved and increase, please vote yes on his props.

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Then get over it, stop bitching and moaning. You made your point and now you can live your life. Community will decide what they want, and not you.


But your the so-called Christian recklessly mocking what God led me to do.

Your words and behaviour here prove who you truly serve.

I contribute when I move funds on-chain which is regularly. My plan is for everyone to contribute by a fair 1.5% on-chain tax and 1.2% on buys and sells on exchanges.

I’m advocating for my Final Vision Plan for LUNC to $1+ and to accomplish my validator roadmap, for what is good for LUNC. The only other proposal I have put to vote was a 75/25% tax split to better fund the chain but that failed and didn’t make quorum. Later dfunk’s 80/20% passed which was part of my Vision Plan so that’s great.

You’re tricking people Wagner, like usual. You’re upset to see my validator grow out of your own personal hatred. My plan is to keep growing to influence LUNC governance and pass my proposal and fulfil my validator roadmap. I’ve already stated this clearly in numerous places it’s not a secret. You can read my validator roadmap on my Twitter homepage @ForTheCross_CH.

I’m glad someone else noticed. The guy practically lives in my thread.

No you’re not which is why you hate burning, support minting, and don’t want post-crash LUNC investors to profit.

My plan can get LUNC to $1+ and fund the chain and revive LUNC. But you don’t want that due to your agenda.

False accuser of the brethren.

The harm you’ve dreamed up in your head. The same as the cries about the 1.2% killing the chain, which its removal resulted in poor burns, poor volume, little utility and continually crashing prices. People are seeing through those lies Wagner.

The burn tax will be the same on-chain as it is off-chain, 1.2%. We need the 0.3% extra on-chain to fund ourselves.

I didn’t dodge the questions they were all answered. You’re just desperately trying any angle to stop my proposal, and you’re the one who brought the personal attacks and couldn’t discuss the proposal itself.

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Afaik, arguing about a prop and deciding for the community are not the same thing.

All you do is spam, it’s so dumb. Troll like behaviour. Kudos to Jesus Is Lord handling all the trolls and continues to answer all troll questions.


Come on, bro.
The proposal author is a brave persons who drive the community onward. You do your best, after that leave it to community.
When, you upload to governance i will carefully read and weight the feasibility with advantage/disavantage.
Then, i will vote.

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