Joint L1 Task Force Q2 Proposal with Amendments

It’s the desperation of someone who knows their time is up. The fact they’re trying to sneak through this incomplete prop, which asks for tens of thousands of dollars for vacant roles, literally the day after their first one failed speaks volumes.

This isn’t a real plan, it’s a last ditch cash grab and people are starting to notice.


Good leaders are still missing inside this community. No with veto to any proposal which doesn’t refer to someone who is proving leadership and communication skills.
I want all the members of a team who is supposed to get more than 100k $ within 3 months to sit in front of a camera, presenting themselves, explaining who they are and what they want to do. We are all done with these trolls insulting each others through the governance section. Grow up, put your faces in front of a camera, if you are human beings and you can talk.

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Sorry, I’ll vote NO with VETO


Prop should be revised with the following

  1. Only payment for those available immediately
  2. Wallet address should not be to LBA wallet where funds from L1TF and TGF have been Commingled.
  3. Multisig wallet should be created with the signers being anyone getting money from this effort.
    4.all Q1 unused funds be returned to CP prior to any release of new funds
  4. Separate spend props can be done after senior dev has been found

There are several questions that require answers. It would have been appropriate to leave the matter open for discussion for the allotted time so that everyone could have had the opportunity to contribute. Furthermore, it is unclear why we are being charged for an L1 Dev that is no longer available. It would be best if the L1 Dev position were removed, and a vote could be taken once a suitable candidate has been found for the job.


The lead dev role should of been left out and a swperate proposal for this potential role later.

Is superman MIA or not?

Do we need a project manager for 2 devs?
(I know Steve keeps taking this personal but i am asking on a practical nature, i have no issue with him)

Why are we using junior devs for L1 work, why not replace with 1 senior dev?

And other people have brought up valid questions and concerns over and over again in this thread and the last thread.


Seconding all of this.

And this.

Feel free to respond @LuncBurnArmy!

Or, you know, just ignore everyone’s questions… like always. :upside_down_face:


100% Yes from me Tobias is gone but nothing changes the power grab still going on. The community needs to wake up and support the Joint L1 Task Force.



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2 junior developers and 1 secretary don’t make an L1 task force.

That’s not a task force, that’s a goddamn code camp! :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


Very expensive code camp for community holders.


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One of the reasons TGF cannot be involved. They wanted to set up Cayman Islands LTD for a reason. They are not in line with US law regarding non profits. They also broke their transparemcy pledge by obfuscating transfers for (alleged) developer payments. They have sent the dev payments in 3 batches to Kraken exchange. None of the transfers are clearly described which developer this is for. After the funds ended up in Kraken account it is not possible to track them. The community has no way to audit which developer from the Q1 budget was paid, who was not paid for, how much in total each developer has recieved. For all we know the 2 Junior devs may have been a myth. Also it is possible that people other than devs named in the governance prop got paid. At the moment we dont even know who is running this Organisation after Ed Kim left - was the change updated in the legal papers of the Organization? Why was Zaradar and Lunc Burn Army mentioned in AMAs to be running TGF. Are they legal members of the organisation even?

TGF does not meet any of the criteria listed here:

This is just a small piece of whats wrong with this organisation. I advise all the validators and staker NOT TO authorise a transfer of funds to this organisation. This is possibly sending money to a illegal entity. A potentially serious problem to be had down the line.


anything with big truck gadikan is good with me


I was going to say it was a much better proposal now, with all the fluff removed, and some others amendments, but the proposal has been put to vote ALREADY, and already some validators have voted for it, literally in the following minutes.

With this, the vacant positions that should be filled before going for a vote, the return of the salary for the project manager, the rate for the senior developer still quite high, the bunch of “1-line YES” voters (most of them having an account created the same day the proposal is put on the agora), and the overall hurry there is to go forward with such a VAGUE proposal, I feel cautious on extreme levels.

There is no other way to put this : it reeks of dishonesty, I don’t know what is brewing nor do I know why everything around this proposal is rushed so much.

Until recommendations from @UteXvg and @Pholuna’s code of conduct are implemented, it’s going to be a NO for me
I might even add that Superman’s situation should be made clear before putting his name on the team, I do not want to hear it from LuncBurnArmy but from the man himself.

Furthermore, and this is going to sound paranoid but this is strictly my personal opinion and one of my concern, but the position and timing seems awfully convenient for Zaradar to return anonymously…


Just doesn’t make sense to me…
Superman is missing. There is no clarification or guarantee surrounding this.

No full time developer.
We need a senior, experienced developer who is dedicated to the cause and would “bleed” for the success of LUNC.

To Vinh and Till:
Whichever route the community decides to go with, whether it’s this proposal or the alternative proposal, as a community we all want the best for LUNC and for it to thrive.
I’m sure we all want both of you to continue on with LUNC’s progression.
If the alternative plan goes ahead, please consider joining the team (we can put another proposal up), so that we can have a strong L1 team for the benefit of LUNC and the entire community involved with this chain.

To climb to the summit of this mountain and mountainous task we have in front of us, we need the best team we can gather.

Thank you and i wish everyone happiness and success.


As far as I understand, devs like Tobias get paid a lot more than what he is asking from LUNC. It is also good to keep in mind, that finding a replacement for Tobias will cost us more than what he asked. If the guy has a temper when he feels attacked but he is also a good dev + good for the chain, I’ll ignore his bad temper because what’s important to me is LUNC and not that the guy could be nicer when he feels attacked.

Tobias didnt seem to be working full time on LUNC have in mind. So i cant agree with what you are saying about others taking more than 13k for part time work.


He was unknown to the community till Z mentioned him … he might be not be MIA to those who have been in touch during q1…
