Looks like the community burn is working 💪

Very amazing to see community come together and do what Do K won should have tried to do in some form or fashion. I believe more big things are on the horizon for the original Luna as ppl see how strong and resilient we are despite our current leadership.


On top of that,

If all the people holding Luna just transfer their Luna out of the exchanges.

The price of the classic Luna could also go up too.

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I don’t mean to dampen your spirits, but about 102 million Luna tokens were burned today. Assume we maintain this burn rate it will take a 174 years before we have burned all the tokens. I would be the happiest person if this picks up. But if not, can you wait that long? While the intentions might be good these small amounts are not going to make any difference. The best avenue is to focus on the fork and go after DK to adjust post distribution amounts by the circulating supply each day as follows:


I think this could start a big movement, maybe exchanges like Binance see this and if they have Luna they burn it etc in solidarity with us. Or big Luna whales etc


Exactly, this is just the begining, maybe a tycoon can donate to this address a huge amount in the near future


I’m so impressed after last week good luck .

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Luna’s number remains the same.

A lot of whales will start burning when price get stuck…

Sign the petition. Let’s get the whales that dumped Luna and caused a run on the bank to buy back and redeem themselves.

Already starting to spread like a wildfire… I bet more exchanges will follow suite.

Circulating supply is not decreasing. Why?