LUNA Go Forward Proposal

in 7 days the max supply would be slightly less than the number of atoms in the universe at this rate.

Sad but true…

UST holders. what about UST lps? All those ppl got wrecked severely.


This proposal Terra V2 Upgrade looks better than this one.

:smiling_face_with_tear: sad

I continued to buy Luna with a long outlook as it was sinking to do my bit because i believe in the product. I wont be impressed if that was for nothing. At the least, what $ I laid down for the sinking ship should come back to me. I dont give a crap about profiting, but don’t want to be out of pocket due to the piss poor effort of guidance being communicated over the past couple of days.


Completely agree

And what happened to the money from the foundation? When will they give the information that it was done, because if they gave it to a trading company, how do we know the result of their management?

I’ll let the experts decide. I believe the crypto space needs an algorithm stable coin. I wish Luna continues to be that perfect candidate that we all believed it to be.

Please consider as well liquidity pool providers on peripheral protocols such as as Astroport Luna-stluna pool, and others

Yeah i disagree with my first msg after reading a couple replies.

I don’t understand this. I have UST position in Anchor, the various combination of LPs (stLUNA-LUNA, ASTRO-UST etc) on Astroport, not to mention RUNE-UST on Thorchain etc, how will this proposal cover for it? Will I need to go and unwound all the LPs? Throughout the whole process, I placed faith in you guys and not moved any of these assets - 1, to avoid congesting the network but also 2, you said you were going to get the peg back and it sounded as if you were confident of being able to do so.

Also, I feel like instead of giving another new token to UST holders, with the new Terra, can’t you swap the new UST 1:1 instead? A lot of trust has been loss on the security and stability of the system, but if you cannot even make good on the ‘stable coin’ promise and instead asking them to take a new token which will have relatively very low demand and low value anyway, and only 40% of it, you are going to loose evenmore goodwill and trust.

For the new version to work, and still wanting to issue a collab-algo stable coin, you gotta maintain that trust and confidence in the stable coin. I cannot see how it would work otherwise. Yes, demand will be low on the stable coin will be low anyway. Yes, people might even avoid stable coins for a while…but, if you can’t even keep that promise of 1coin: 1USD, your project is dead even before it begins its new life.

A few things in mind, with the high fear, on issuance of the new coin, you will need to think how to avoid people just dumping them upon receiving them. The trauma of watching the prices on both $LUNA and $UST go down to 0 and delisted from Binance is one big wall you will have to help old and new users to overcome.


Innovating, Persistence and Fighting Spirit. is what we must show from now on. this was devastating for everyone. but if Dev team, and everyone involved is in post of keep the good work sounds amazing, there is only one way now. and its getting up and make that small light bigger. i trust in everyone involved in this. no matter what the result is today. Keep Building! in my case i had all my luna in binance and its now delisted. i saved a screenshot just in case of my holding in case is needed. lets go guys! this was not an atack on Luna only this was a punch to crypto to decentralization and we cant just cant get cheated by the same “centralized” again.


It’s a good plan. But supply of luna needs to be decreased to 500m and make in deflationary.

In addition. Do Kwan need to step down in LFG and TFL and appoint another CEO because investors and community space will not earn trust if do Kwan runs hardfork LUNA.

Also what happen to all luna which stake to other protocol like staderlabs?


What happens to LUNA or UST liquidity providers? Also keep in mind that liquidity pairs involving LUNA or UST existed on other chains too, not ist Terra.

I don’t agree with this at all since you are forgetting every Luna holder that lost a lot because Do Kwon and team decided it was best to Just let things be and play its course after the so called attack or whatever the hell Do kwon been doing that backfired on investors and Ust holders, and now Luna is over 3 trillion in circulation supply in just a matter of hours!! Every Luna holder should be compensated. And deattach Luna from UST, let Luna be the ecosystem it was meant to be by other ways. And Team should stop more Luna minting yesterday already but just do it now!


Agree with this. If the snapshot is taken, it must be before the time the network was attacked i.e. the first moment UST was depeg from the curve pool. I was holding UST since the beginning, due to Kwon’s complete silence, then just send it to Binance, hoping a the peg going back again for a desperate exit, yet I’m still holding now.

Please make the compensation for UST on exchange as well.

This is a big portion of my net worth



Maybe we should also something like the LUNAtic score to give value to active participants in the ecosystem?

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in 24 hours or so we will see UST and Luna go to 0 so all of this is moot point. This will all be over before anything gets implemented unfortunately based on current trajectory…

so pls stop fighting guys… it’ll all be over soon… let’s just enjoy the sunset one last time… what do ya guys say

The worst decision in our life. Trusted to UST stablecoin. Invested all our savings just in march this year. I am holding UST on anchor protocol. Now we will get nothing…

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