LUNA Go Forward Proposal

Will people holding LUNA and UST on binance and other exchanges still get the new LUNA tokens?


anyone knows the practical legal steps to organize a Class Action against Do Known and the Validators if the do not implement the Burn policy?

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Post-attack traders are the ones keeping the project alive, if volume went to zero, this would already be over. This distribution also incentivices new investors to join in and bring more volume and liquidity to the new token at genesis.

This revival plan is as close as it gets to a realistic compensation plan - the piece of the puzzle missing on that plan is that Do Kwon needs to reconvince pretty much everyone that LUNA V2 without a stablecoin is still a good enough investment for everyone to buy into - and that’s where the wide distribution comes in as a strong part of the new token.

The market will decide wether this new coin will be the saving grace for all the people who lost their money - not Do Kwon

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That’s the game otherwise Luna is scamming it will have law consequences.

It is like: “Hey, Warren Buffet. You bought to cheap and you will only get 30%”

initially it was about people who wanted to save the network and there was a condition about the fact that before the network was shut down 10%, and now we are mixed with those speculators who bought it for a penny with millions of tokens, I personally know who bought it for $ 1 in the amount of $ 200,000 . now they are with those who bought a million Luna tokens for $50

What about UST holders outside Anchor? (NEXO, Osmosis, exchanges…) Are they yet considered in the plans?? In my case I was a NEXO user with UST in his account and also I had UST in different Osmosis pools.

And for those saying post attack holders don’t deserve anything: bull****! And let me explain why.

1/ Those holders prevent the absolute destruction of everything. LUNA and UST is dyi-ng and those buyers are the ICU unit.

3/ They were aware of the very high risk of buying in and yet they did.

4/ They are mostly not on loss yet and there is a big upside for them. Why to sell?

5/ They are not “angry” with TFL LUNA and their responsible team so their emotions are much more positive towards the project.

6/ They are the so much needed new blood for both, LUNA classic and the upcoming LUNA.

Alleging they are just careless gamblers who will sell for quick slim profits it’s unfair. So, who bought at 40$ 60$ or 80$ was not looking for profit? Were not willing to sell when it reaches certain price? Come on…SMH

Furthermore, who bought in during LUNA big time was probably less willing to take a high risk over the investment (less aware of the risk too), than those “soulless gamblers” who bought at the worst time, they were brave, crazy, or dumb enough to do that.

We are all in the same boat, the later buyers they get the less and they assume the higher conscious risk, and they acted as last resort.

If they are not in the project, not only pushes away from LUNA v2 a big community that will be really difficult to engage back, also will destroy LUNA classic… Cause those are the potential users…

Luna community atm is so emotional and they just want to blame somebody. But post attack holders are so much needed. Be rational and don kil both projects before starting.

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It’s disgusting that you label people this way. I was a Lunatic before and after the crash. But, I don’t feel the same as you. Trading is a big part of crypto economies. And while most were afraid of stepping back into Luna markets, and calling for Do Kwon’s head, some people still bought the crash. I bought it because even if Luna’s UST mission was scuttled, I wanted to collect and hold the asset. It’s irrelevant if you feel that collecting Luna for the sake of the meme is useless. I personally think this is a more worthy meme than Doge simply because of its impact to the crypto world. So I vehemently oppose your mischaracterization of current classic Luna HODLers. It’s not always about success in life, we must learn and recall our mistakes or we are doomed to repeat them. That is all…


I agree. There would be less impetus to make the community whole if the coins weren’t trading now.

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The classic Luna traders would likely be a considerable portion of trading in the new Luna, if for no other reason than they are DeGen’s. I welcome them and appreciate the trading volume. But maybe my thoughts are outliers. I lost a lot of $$ in Luna’s ecosystem, but I didn’t lose all. I saw the depeg happening and played it safe. I left some money in, just in case, but the rest I pulled out. I don’t feel bad that what I left in went to near zero. Luna sold me a product. It worked for a while, then it broke. That happens all the time with physical products, and Luna was an experiment. I’m an adult. I have to own up to my mistakes as well. It’s not just Luna’s fault. If traders now want to take the same risks, let them. But we all must practice risk management.


Well stated

Ok j’ai compris, avec votre répartition du nouveau jeton Luna j’aurai quelques poussières exactement 16 Luna. Oh mon Dieu! En tous cas bon vent à vous et tant pis pour moi et à mes pertes. Avant de clore mes interventions sur votre forum d’une façon définitive, j’ai un conseil à donner aux acteurs du marché de la cryptographie : Développeurs, propriétaires de crypto monnaies, plate-forme d’échange, DEX, DApps, Wallets. Allez insallez vous à Beverly Hills et travaillez uniquement avec les riches. Car la cryptographie n’est pas faite pour les pauvres. Puisque elle les rend encore plus pauvres qu’auparavant en volant leur argent en plein jour avec des procédés malsains. Sachant que l’argent qui circule sur le marché est en grande partie celui des pauvres. D’où ce constat amer : les fameuses technologies de la blockchain et de la cryptographie prennent doucement cet argent des pauvres pour le distribuer facilement aux riches de ce monde. C’est connu, les riches ont les moyens de manipuler le marché avec la complicité des plate-forme d’échange. Quel monde à l’envers ! Au lieu que ces technologies aident les pauvres à améliorer leurs conditions de vie, les acteurs du marché de la cryptographie font tout pour que les pauvres sombrent davantage dans la misère. Puisque c’est ainsi que les choses se déroulent sur ce marché, il ne faut pas s’étonner si un jour le bitcoin et les autres crypto monnaies chutent à 0.00000000000000 $. A bon entendeur salut !

Bien à vous

why give people a new moon who, after the opening of trading, began to speculate with it!?

you need to take two snapshots before the attack and before closing the blockchain

I agree. No post-mortem, no new chain.
Something went definitely went wrong, why replicate it?
If we do not know, who attacked, where is the money now, and who benefited, it’s 100% a no-go.
LUNA cannot decently ask for more trust without providing hard evidence of what happened, and maybe we can build from there, from the ashes, with renewed trust.

Fundamentally I appreciate what you intend to achieve with this plan. Evidently the are so many somewhat intricate and complex factors to consider in as far as recipients of airdrops for LUNA 2.0 is concerned:With this plan we run the risk of having a disgruntled community and enfuriated former holders and thats not good ground for building a united and community. It would be easier to repair the existing network and work around a strategy to repopulate and recapitalize. The number one task will be to work on reducing the supply of LUNA and to recode the UST algorithm to make it more secure and stable…i personally believe that can work, we cannot run away from a problem we must face it and fix it. What happens is somehow LUNA 2.0 faces some challenge, will we be running to LUNA 3.0? Everybody involved in the LUNA/UST story is important, whether pre-attack, on-attack, post-attack:the fact that remains is all are here in their own interest for the better good of the community, so to be fair to reality, let us fix this marriage! I propose we start burning LUNA supply and work on restabilizing UST. Let us do that

Luna’s market is being intervened by bots. It is too linear to respond to chaotic supply-demand. Someone is preventing the price from going above 0.00020 or below 0.00016. The price is not swinging freely. There are people injecting capital and some superwhale pulling the strings. This control protects the BUSD and also protects the clearing accounts in anticipation of the May 27 snapshot. If Luna were to fall to free-floating lows and some people were to buy billions, that would make the post May 27th clearing offer impossible. And if it went too high, the compensation would be decapitalised and would also be a problem for Do Kwon’s plan. Therefore, it seems that Luna Classic requires prior control of the Luna market. And that is what is happening.


So if i hold 200k luna, when the fork happens do i receive 20k? or is it based on total supply?

What about ust deposited in Spec protocol

Peeps is it enough to just hold your Luna & UST in some major CEX to qualify for a “Post attack” snapshot ??

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To validators / devs with big voting power.

Think hard & twice before voting - your vote will be legally binding in court case there’s civil and criminal case against TFL & all associated entities

Remember, your identities are being displayed on terra station

Listen here, imma say it how it is.

40% goes to current holders of UST
40% goes to current holders of LUNA

Anyone still holding or bought the dip are the people that give a shit and we’re willing to continue to back $LUNA the most. They need rewarding as a priority.

Emergency and Development programs get 20%

No explanation needed, clearly deserve and NEED a good chunk.

0% goes to PRE-depeg

If you sold, you compounded the misery and did nothing to help the network. You already took your % out of the network for whatever you sold your bags for. You get nothing else.


Reward loyalty & let the papers burn.