Lunc apy 3.8%

Why has the APY gone down so hard?

Just check LUNC dash and its at 3.8%

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More people staking lower apy

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I get that buddy…but a drop from 24% to 20% as people started staking.

Now it’s dropped to 3.9%!?!? It’s very confusing as we haven’t had a big influx of stakers

Total supply also drops

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Staking APY is still as it was… you’re checking APY on LuncPenguin’s Dashboard. There’s a bug/glitch in the APY calculation on the site + the info on there is not 100% or out of date.

You can check the APY by calculating daily rewards. It’s still the same.



Thank you that’s what I was hoping as hourly rewards were still the same :slight_smile:

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