Multi-signature wallet discussion

You are correct, if you’re staked, you have a vote on proposals. Validators are the ones that keep the chain running.

I understand that there are proposals to “fund TR” but we have taken the stance to turn down any and all funding from the $4.1m and from the community. Just because the community raises a proposal to fund TR doesn’t mean we need to accept it.

I have heard this argument about Neblio come up very often, but have heard naysayers come up with a valid reason why it would be considered as conflict of interest given that Terra Rebels is a private org and does not represent the Luna Classic community. If you have not noticed by now, the Neblio deal had absolutely zero effect (aside of the division created by a bunch of people) on the blockchain. I’d like to hear your thoughts on why you think this is a conflict of interest.

As for becoming independent from TFL. All the community needs is funding to maintain the LCD/FCD end points. Anybody can host these end points and for clarity, the end points are NOT the keys to the blockchain. The keys to the blockchain are the validators.