Multi-signature wallet discussion

The conversation can continue with me if you wish.

We do not choose to “manage the chain” as you describe it. That is the job of the community through the Terra Classic governance system. Any changes to the core protocol (layer 1 code) must go through governance. We are extremely happy that the chain now belongs to the community and would not have it any other way.

As @reXxTR said, Terra Rebels is a private organisation made up of a group of collaborating community members. We have the right to promote ourselves and find funding from any sources that we feel make sense for us.

The Neblio proposal that Vegas and I put up for TR internal voting cetainly does not ensure “there would be no other partnerships or sponsorships for 6 months”. It requires TR not to receive sponsorship from other blockchain/coin/token teams for that period of time. That is the TR team’s decision to make (which they did by voting for it) and in no way affects the Terra Classic blockchain or the Terra Classic community.

You conflate changes in the price of LUNC with the sponsorship we are receiving from Neblio - well you are of course entitled to that opinion, but that is all it is - your opinion. If certain segments of the community prefer to focus on negativity and hate then they must be prepared to accept the results of those activities which are far more likely to negatively affect the price in my opinion.

The code is open source and freely available to anyone to do with as they wish under the terms of the Apache 2.0 licence. As a result, any competent development team can do what we have had to do:

  • Clone the repo
  • Submit ideas for changes for governance appoval
  • Make code changes
  • Build a testnet and test the changes
  • Build a release and work with validator node operators to install it

After almost 6 months of free of charge voluntary work, and having delivered everything we said we would deliver, we now reserve the right to require payment for further efforts and we will try to find funding for that from any sources we feel are appropriate. We would prefer not to ask for any money from the community, and at the same time we of course welcome community donations that are made voluntarily to us.

We also welcome other development teams to come to this ecosystem and work for the benefit of the Terra Classic community and share the burden with TR.