Pegging UST to 1 USD

Pegging the USTC back to the USD.

Creating trust, and solving the first problem the luna classic has. after the doors are open for the lunc to also raise. We first have to deal with a way to pay our old debts which is the USTC peg. This can be done without hurting the LUNC too much.

Revise the current pegging mechanism. The new one should look like this;

Make the burning mechanism to peg the USTC-USD by 0.01 at the first week, with a weekly increase of 0.01.

Because of the calculated returns, current UST holders are incentivized to not sell, and new people are incentivized to buy UST and wait for the peg to return. This means that there will not be not much of a pressure on the LUNC.

There will always be people who want to sell on the way to the peg, and this will lessen the debts we hold.

I think this balance will create trust in the most important problem which hangs above us all, which is the UST depeg. After this is planned to be solved spread across 2 years weekly, it will give chance for the rest of the chain to keep on working and producing.


That is the biggest problem “the debt”, I do not think repeg to 1 USD is possible, not right now… we should repeg it to the next round level, 0.01 USD, look at my proposal USTC almost naturally pegged at 0.01 USD

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did you read the proposal at all?