[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊 [PART I]

Buy should be encouraged. No tax.
Sale should be taxed.
Minting should be taxed.
Stop with the “remedy” bs. Communism much?
Use the tax for reserves for future attacks.
Set up a protocols to govern the funds. No one party can take it out like the lfg btc.


How does it help people who bought at $15 vs people who bought millions at $0.000001, people who bought high and saved the network vs vultures?

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I assume you bought high and expected to sell higher? You just lost the game. Stop complaining. You can, however, buy in right now and become a million coinholder.


+1 this is the most frictionless solution


You will benefit thanks to supply that will be reduced with the burn.


Guys stop arguing, we are here to find a solution that will benefit at least somehow everyone, not one group only. If someone has suggestions that can improve this idea please write :smiley:


I bought before and after the crash. And now I hurt way less because I averaged down. People like you, who’s trying to kill others to save your own is the ones sabotaging the whole thing because you just killed any interest from other people.

What exactly are you saying? People can only buy when the price is going up? What forces you to sit on the sideline and bitch? What’s stopping you to take some extra bucks to “support” the system as you say? Last time I check the market is still up and you can buy at dirt cheap price?


oh yes I see you are a vulture and now you want to keep your zillions of coins and be rich.
Because I LOST EVERYTHING. ok ? …
sorry some people got burned seriously, I won’t post anymore


The solution is simple. Taxation like you say but no purchase tax. Draw in more interest but discourage them to sell. Build up reserve and setup a decentralised emergency protocols. Stop talking about any handouts because it’s the fastest way to kill a project and a highway to $0 town


This won’t work, whales want to rollback to snapshot because aftar that block they did a fast cashout and rugpull.

They will do it again and profit twice.

But your proposal comes from a firm perspective and heartfull manner.

You can also decrease apy and use the left overs to burn.

But again, this won’t be taken into notice since



I like this solution. In 1-2 years Luna will hopefully return to normal.

Exchanges will be happy, so we would start excelling.

Without major exchanges, any new fork/token will have a very hard time.


Thats true. If you fall come back at least twice as strong. Lets to that! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Indeed. Seems to be a win-win-win solution.


Burning seems to be a very popular common proposal from the community. How is this proposal pushed forward?


I’m going to eat a dinner :stuck_out_tongue: Please don’t argue in the mean time and help improve this idea!


Just my opinion:

What if we burn 2% and give 1% to validators and stakers. So, people who have been making so much noise on other proposals and voicing that they are the only real supporters of Luna get a medium to stake all their coins for life and support the ecosystem.


First, I just want to say that I’m sorry for your losses. We are all hurting.

To be honest, there’s no quick help for people in your situation (which I am in as well). All the money was sucked out of the system. The only thing we can do is slowly attract more money to rebuild.

If TFL/whales/banks think adding money in will make more money, we NEED them to do it. They will make more money before you and I do. I’m ok with that, even if it’s not “fair”.

I just want a path so that I might get some of my investment instead of basically the zero it is now. As others have mentioned, we can choose to put more money in now (if available). I’m hurting too much now, but if this proposal goes forward, I may consider.

Again, sorry to hear about all the losses (from everyone here!).


burn 1% of each transaction amount, but from the supply pool or an burning account, that’ll be helpful, cause if it cost extra fee for user, they’ll be discouraged to make transaction.

also lock the entire UST system, rewrite the code, remove the algorithmic stablecoin feature for now, to prevent future attack, bind to $1 again with Terra foundation’s fund, at least to $0.8.

this action will gain confidant from users, and they will believe the Terra team again.


One last thing. Who didn’t could like and retweet this tweet? The more people see it the better. So comment people you know and hold LUNA :smiley: Thanks!


This is the way to go, I’ll remove the minting of UST entirely in the future and allow users to use UST for staking for UST to regain it’s value. Make luna deflationary like ethereum.

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