[Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction ๐Ÿ’Š [PART I]

Safemoon V2.0 was already listed on Mandala, including their tokenomics. If Mandala can do it, Binance can do it.

This all depends by Binance btw. I believe its in their wish to help or not(remember BNBChain is theirs). Everyone is a competitor, and crypto is a jungle.

We have all seen forks before, specially on Bitcoin and they are never as good.

Basically Do wants to launch again, the migration is pain, users will have issues understanding what is happening, there is no way you can get 200k members in one place and let them know about the V2.

I think there will be a lot of complications and a lot of scammers will try to take advantage and target a lot of community members on the V2 token.

On the other side, V1 is stuck, it definitely needs burn and with the current funds LFG has, there is no way investors will get that burn completed.

Therefore, your proposal is the one that fits the most in this puzzle. This is a great ecosystem, LUNA as a coin has no issues, UST was its Achilles heel.


Thereโ€™s more proof this can be done

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Check out this link, thereโ€™s been some burning on bsc lunas. About 20 billion lunas burned in past two days or so.

Its a bridge. It works like that.

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Just need to learn their idea. What they think about voting. Please help each others. We are trying to save our money. We love it ya. please try to talk to those who are silent in the voting. (the system can shut me down for 4 hours maybe)


Here is current circulating supply: https://fcd.terra.dev/v1/circulatingsupply/luna. Itโ€™s currently about 6.5T. No burn happened

Smart Stake is considering this proposal - hang tight! :muscle:


Actually the supply hasnt moved much, but unfortunately its increasing still, in slow numbers.

What does he meanby this

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Is it possible for you to explain it for everyone here how it works? A lot of people come here saying there is a burn and I think they need some good explanation.

Its not a burn.
When luna on bsc or eth chain gets ported to terra for example wluna gets destroyed(burnt) and luna gets minted supply remaons the same

Fantastic proposal, best option for moving forward!

Good Idea I will vote for this

Exactly! We need people with technical skills onboard. Does anyone wants to add some input on that front? Should we poke some twitter accounts? Some validstors and devs should have some interest in exploring the chain

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It means we need devs who can write the code to do the burnโ€ฆ which means we need as a community to pay somebody. I made a thread about organizing to do it.


Remaining funds can be use to pay the devs + buy some supply and burn


Where did you see that all o see is him retweeting donkeycon

Yes but LFG has already committed to using funds for UST refunds. And either way we need devs, as it seems like TFL has moved on.

That was just what I was thinking, if they fork, we must have the new option, whatโ€™s the use? Developers, a governance, to implement this proposal and maybe even improve it

Who is paying/doing the fork etc?