[Proposal] Distribute 50% Transaction Fees to the Community Pool + Increase Proposer/Validator Rewards

The proposal has passed with 60% quorum and 95% YES votes and has been auto-implemented. :tada:

Replying to some common queries from the comments:

Will this proposal be implemented?
The proposal has already been implemented. Link to the updated parameters: https://lcd.terra.dev/distribution/parameters

Will the burn be automatic?
The transfer to the community pool will be automatic. Community pool proposals will need to be created to transfer the funds from it to the burn address. Once the community pool proposals are passed, the transfer to the burn address will be automatic.

How much LUNC will get burned?
This will completely depend on the number of on-chain transactions. Current on-chain transactions are low since the majority of the activity is happening on exchanges. This will change once staking is re-enabled, which will increase the number of on-chain transactions significantly and expedite the burn.

Link to the proposal re-enabling staking: Re-enable Staking/Delegation to Existing Active Validator Set Only

Where can I get updates regarding this proposal?
I will be posting all updates regarding this proposal here as well as on Twitter