[Proposal] LUNA2 and UST2

You’re right. New ‘investors” are not investors at all. They were just throwing cash at a dumpster fire

Bad idea. I dont support it. No Forks!

Only way is Buy Back and Burn!

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you lost boy! accept it! no luna 2.

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There come the Culprit… Let’s stone this GS390 to death and nail him on the cross


He is shilling with RESET logic on the other post lol.

Resetting is no different from @dokwon proposal that airdrop to a tick before de-peg.

The benefit is to retain all the Ecosystem protocols, which are the soul of Terra.

This GS390 is the culprit who put everyone in big trouble

I vote disagree with my 2 hands and 2 legs, over my dxxd body if you are trying to make everyone believe in you once again

Hell no, you are the one causes Luna and UST failed!!!

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Luna1 de kaybedenler bir kez daha Luna 2 kaybetmesinin istiyorsunuz.1.başarıya ulaşmadıysan 2. Denemeye gerek yok.
Önce 1.ayakta tutması ve inananların zararı karşılanmalı çok yüksek fiyatlardan alan insanlar var

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Please kindly follow the sequence of events here:

You got zero credibility, please stay silent before people come after you

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no fork lol , i invested my money 1:1 usd to $ust , i want my fiat money , i trust the luna ust$'s…

You are not right.
While the rats ran from the ship, gnawing more and more holes in it and taking away the grain,
People plugged these holes to the best of their ability and went with the ship to the bottom.
And which of them is more worthy to be considered an investor?
Everyone who was left with the coins at the time the blockchain was stopped has the right to stay with them. And then you can deal with the issue.
The rest are to blame … everything on the market at some point falls.

Yes, please do not trust this GS390

He sink the Luna and UST, dont let him sell all of us to hell again!!!

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stabil coinini aldık paramız çöp oldu adam diyor 0.50den yapalim yok ya ? stabil coin len bu ? benim günahım ne , dünya yatirimim var , apy düşür %10a anchordan devam edelim , Luna yi da ustyi düzelttikten sonra rahatlikla burn ederek kurtarırsın , ilk önce bitcoinleri sat $ust yi bi kurtar prestijin gelsin , param geri gelsin lunaya destek verip terra wallet de stake etmezsem adam değilim…


There were Luna holders that never sold, like me - so just stop this junk narrative of who held Luna sold.

Who bought Luna after the depeg already saw a dumpster fire and threw useless cash at it - so there ware WAY more chances to lose it all and they knew it so should be compensated less.

Moreover, did you “buy trillions of Luna because so smart’ actually accomplished anything? Wen peg?


And the recalculation of the amount of the Moon for the remaining holders (until the moment the blockchain stops) is of course necessary

Probably divided into certain phases. From the start of printing, until the system stops.

Blockchain and exchanges remember all transactions.

But the starting point must be shifted to May 7-8. Those who saved the ship deserve respect, even if there were speculators among them. (those who bought stablecoins do not count).

I suppose I do not demand to leave me millions of coins. I’m all for burning them.

I just want to stay in the project for my all possible help for the spent 10% of the deposit. This risk was much more than buying coins for 100 bucks.

But if I lose the money invested in support, then I mean even worse than those who speculate on it for two days earning tens of X’s?

Is the one who had a 10% deposit in a coin somehow better than the one who invested 10% in an obviously sinking ship?)
EVERYONE ALWAYS buys in a falling market.
Don’t wear a crown. You just bought more expensive, earlier, or you had more money.
Not to mention those who sold the coins on the fall by sinking the ship.
Those in general can just sit blowing into the pipe and not shine here

Yes. Because my risk was way less severe that the ones that entered after, so they should be liquidated later. We’re not the same. I spent money on a functioning blockchain, who bought after threw cash in a failing mechanism and gain advantage from the attacker’s actions.

An exploited blockchain is not a failing market

Date of fork is ok with me.

The UST2 “restructuring” is similar to IMF/EU bank restructurings. 50c is the new $1 peg, cutting everyone’s principal liability/asset in half.

A better/simpler approach is to just set a UST-Luna exchange rate at relaunch fork paid with luna2 mint (v1 chain will continue to live). All off chain luna/ust exists on v1 chain. Only on chain funds at snapshot/fork count for luna2.

We/world doesn’t think UST2 would have stable value needed to provide what stablecoin buyers really want. Converting to Luna2 fits with longterm aim of getting a reserve-backed/redeemable-stablecoin.

The heart of your proposal, using $7.5B as reference UST market cap means keeping a value of minted Luna within achievable project market value and aspirations. In that sense, it is about right on the reward balance, IMO.

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Which problem would a fork solve?