[Proposal] Plan V3, save investors, Luna and UST

Good idea but not perfect.

I think it can be cut to more pieces to get more snapshot.
If possible, may need to detail the price per hour.
Every hour has the tokens average price(include UST).

Example 1:
1st snapshot) in wallet 100 UST , 10 Luna (Price: UST:1 , Luna:80 )
2nd snapshot) in wallet 100 UST , 10 Luna (Price: UST:0.5 , Luna:40 )
3nd snapshot) in wallet 100 UST , 10 Luna (Price: UST:0.2 , Luna:1 )

On restart the available weight value will be:
UST weight value: 100 x 1 + 100 x 0.5 + 100 x 0.2 → 170
Luna weight value: 10 x 80 + 10 * 40 + 10 x 1 → 1210

Example 2:
1st snapshot) in wallet 100 UST , 10 Luna (Price: UST:1 , Luna:80 )
2nd snapshot) in wallet 50 UST , 0 Luna (Price: UST:0.5 , Luna:40 )
3nd snapshot) in wallet 100 UST , 100 Luna (Price: UST:0.2 , Luna:1 )

On restart the available weight value will be:
UST weight value: 100 x 1 + 50 x 0.5 + 100 x 0.2 → 145
Luna weight value: 10 x 80 + 0 * 40 + 100 x 1 → 180

Then every wallet has their own weight of value.
By this value, tokens that can be distributed equally and fairly.