Tax/Burn 1.2% all transactions - Follow Up Discussion

3568 | Text proposal will be passed by tomorrow. There are few points that we need to get the clarity

Do we have any support from any LUNC/LUNA Dev
Plan of execution and Code level changes


But there is a question: who and when will be able to organize the burning of tokens?

I think it is crucial to renable converting between LUNC and USTC. However, there needs to be some constraint regarding minting of LUNC tokens, for example setting a hard limit of no more than 6.9T tokens, or only minting a predefined limit of tokens per day, …

If it is enabled, arbitrage trading between LUNC and USTC is possible again, which increases trading volume of LUNC, which then speeds up the burning of LUNC and also pushes USTC slowly back to $1.


UST is all about trust. Stop hoping as Do Kwon will never make it happen. They killed UST. An independent, different project can be developed on its own. LUNC etc. stop associating with coins. it will never be a stablecoin. Other than Terra(Do Kwon), a new stablecoin sounds safer to people :frowning: