Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2 [PASSED GOV]

What is the reason why luna holders have snapshot before depeg and ust holders in future ?
Ust holders Who Hold till the end will get much less than speculators Who get in on hype to get 300%. Why? U should find the way to give most tokens to People Who bought at 1$ and Hold

U say that New chain should be comunity owned and giving about half tokens to speculators Who never use terra before depeg
Need to add something like having 20-50+ tx on terra

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I agreeā€¦ UST holders before the DEPEG held UST more than a year. Accumulating more and moreā€¦ For what? being totally wipped outā€¦ UST is the core systemā€¦


250M - Luna holders before depeg

200M - Luna holders after depeg (before luna tokens dilute)

250M - UST holders

200M - Luna holders after luna tokens dilute

100M - Community pool to fund for future development

UST holders should be given a airdrop too.

pre depeg block snapshot


This is a robbery. You just canā€™t put all the people who bought after the snapshot in the same pot. People bought Lunaā€™s at very different prices in a short amount of time because of the supply inflation. Some people bought at $50 and some others at $0.0005 just in a few days. And now youā€™re offering the same share for these people. Moreover you guys have trillions of Luna right now. You increased the minting speed and crashed the price so hard and now punish everyone EXCEPT yourselves. This is just plain robbery. Should be joke.

  1. Show a fork plan and drop the LUNA price;
  2. Burn as much LUNA as you can under $0.0002;
  3. Show a burn plan, saying that you listened to the community;
  4. Stonks; :+1:
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Until the 27th many whales will buy. Long-term investors. So buy now because the luna is rising.


Yet again, you are screwing the people over who bought and tried to hold the coin up whilst everyone sold and crashed the coin, whilst you alowed it to print trillions, we tried to keep this up and we get p!$$ed on! Stop giving the new buyers a bum deal the only ones who fought to keep this going!!!


Entiendo que la manera de recobrar la confianza en el Ecosistema Terra por parte de la comunidad y sus inversionistas, no es una difurcacion sino restaurar el Ecosistema actaul.
Yo opero en Binance y Kucoin alli tengo mis lunas, despues del ataque compre mas porque creia en el proyecto con el alma y se que hablo por toda la comunidad de Lunatic cuando digo que ā€œQueremos resurgir de las cenizas como prometieron pero sin difurcacionā€ y sin lugar a dudas su comunidad lo apoyara.

Just burn ?_? Change the infrastructure of the system and independently bring the luna coin back to its old value and pay the UST owners. Provide token burning on luna .Iā€™ve lost nearly 15k just in 1.5 weekā€¦Luna community is greater than ever but with no moneyā€¦

wen burn

Should we withdraw UST from anchor? or what we should do?

Iā€™m in the same boat. Held about $300K on Anchor.

It hurts, but this proposal is generally on point. Since there are no funds to make restitution to UST holders, the ONLY way forward is to build out of this mess. To do that, a chain only needs Builders, Validators and Users.

They donā€™t need debt-holders (which is what we are). Any TERRA airdrops to UST at this point are basically a goodwill gesture.

Also, we both have the option now to buy UST at market if we want.

25% to UST holders is a bum deal. Given itā€™s total value vs Luna it should be 50% of Lunaā€™s new distribution.


Such a bad idea.
Please listen to the community and follow ā€œFatmanā€ idea, it is sooo much better than this.
A lot of people put their life saving into UST.


Donā€™t forget who had a contract with Anchor or Mars providing BLuna and were liquidated heavily without the possibility of repay de borrow. TY Do.


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What about the people who invested in Luna during the crash on exchanges like Binance?

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You speculated on it hoping to profit from a crashing l project. You didnā€™t get robbed, you robbed yourself.

Learn about something before yeeting into it.

I will study the post carefully before giving an answerā€¦

I see it as a solution that will not make anyone happy but very practical in the long run.

50% in 50% i have to read several times.

Justā€¦ Guysā€¦ Look further than the money being lost todayā€¦ Take this as joining in a an IDO with an airdrop.

A new project with some of the best devs and tools out there. If it wasnā€™t for the bitter feeling of the recent incidentā€¦ People out there, and many of you for sure, were joining the whitelist and queueing up for the new token distribution.

Lets calm down and study the proposal from a realistic point of view.

The other option is to fight over some pennies and ainā€™t gonna help muchā€¦

I put 15k into $LUNA, after reading what cz_binance say about the project, learning about the project myself, and thinking it was a good investment, as i believed $UST could be repegged

Iā€™m currently sitting on 6k - am I totally screwed?? From my understanding seems ppl like me will not get airdropped and will sit on this LUNA token that will be worth nothing after the fork?? is that right?

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