Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan 2 [PASSED GOV]

What should we do now that we have lost and our capital has been lost?

Buying up Luna tokens and burning them might do better for everyone then creating a new chain. Creating and fixing the de pegged ust

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What do UST holders at pre-attack get??!!!


Do Kwon MUST ignore the LunaInu burn boys and the bail me out ust gang.

Luna has quickly been hijacked by meme chasers all hoping for a quick buck. Self interest is pushing aside what’s best for the ecosystem. Remember we lost the entire bitcoin reserves bailing out UST, and UST holders had days to escape at near peg before collapse. Stop chucking good money after bad.

The only way forward is to create V2 and save the builders, makers, stakers and creators. Thanks.

Pre-attack LUNA stakers should be rewarded more in comparison to LUNA and UST holders at the time of the snapshot. The people staking pre-attack were the loyal lunatics that grew with the platform and had no ability to exit, instead of those who are buying up cheap, over-inflated coins now worth pennies on the dollar.


Spectrum Devs did a much better job than Apollo. They always delivered promised features, quickly reacted on all changes and new appearing pools and techs.

I believe it worth rewarding them and preserving Devs in a new chain

Link for more details:

I and a lot of people don’t want fork, Fork cannot create value and totally different changes, First you lose community believe without community you are zero. Second the new Luna ever can not replace the position of old $Luna did, Third The market cap will not be same when you make new luna and no longer exchange will listing it, people get airdrop if without community support and believe price still goes down and down because nobody wanna use the new luna. You and the team need to listen community and coordinate with CZ and other, it will help you buy back and burn. The only buy back & burn buy input the tax on buy/sell can help and reduce supply until 1B, there is a proposal for burning you need to read it, A lot of agreed input the tax buy/sell for burning supply, remove UST Luna will be rise again. Don’t betray your community

Completely agree any snapshot after you diluted everyone with 6.5 T does not make sense.
Also before the snapshot please let us know how many Luna token are still under your and your team control (either in wallets or at exchanges). Luna team should give transparency and burn all those coins (don’t believe they already sold all 6.5 Trillion coins).

Luna team should listen to the community and other experts (CZ, Vitalik). Burn the supply and refund small UST wallets before any new fork. A new fork now is abandoning a ship that you failed by minting trillions of coins and not using the Billions USD in the LFG reserve properly

What about the holders of UST in Anchor just before the depeg?


What will happen to the people who hold on exchanges?:pleading_face::pleading_face::sob::sob:

TBH honest I am not sure if a fork or a burn is a better solution since there are so many stakeholders and variables involved but what I know is, that I don’t like to proposed way tokens are distributed.
It rewards people who gambled after the collapse or the people who always emptied the reserve with Anchor Earn. The people who tried to build the ecosystem or keep it running during the big depeg are the stupid ones.

I know there won’t be a way to include everyone in a fairly manner but I guess with all the available on-chain data there will be much better ways then proposed.
One idea would be to use a scoring system which for example Angel Protocol did for part of their airdrop of Halo Token. They used LUNAtics to allocate 25% of their total airdrop.

For example if you bought after depeg but you joined a week ago and it was only the second trade there will be no (or just little) allocation since chance you did just for gambling (knowing the risks) are higher then someone who did buy for 100th and is a member since one year.

I think that would be an good option so that tokens get to people that really supported the ecosystem. Also it increases the chances that tokens don’t get dumped right after distribution.


I am sure this has been mentioned already but people who sold Luna and UST without incurring significant loss should not be included! I don’t know how this can be tracked if funds were moved off-chain or in the case of exchanges. Nevertheless, it should be a consideration!

Excuse me!

Does this literally mean anyone in the world who holds some Luna in Binance for example ?!

Once again, this is focused on autism and how you are arrogant and continue to.

The ones that truly defend Terra should not vote on this proposal, for your simple words, and the ones that agree with that, are the one that has been in a safe spot and did not care about the ones that lose millions based on your autism and your arrogance in reply to other, and you deserve to eat all the words you say when some high QI person appointed a flaw, and with your arrogance you s$!T on them and the people that lose money with your selfish and mindset of a child.

lol lol lol

et qu’en est il des usd qui etaient sur anchor lors de l’attaque et qui ont Ă©tĂ© mis sur un autre blockchain apres l’attaque?

Just burn

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The old chain to be called Terra Classic (token Luna Classic - LUNC), and the new chain to be called Terra (token Luna - LUNA)


I fucked up, blew up billions in a week but is okay, you have fun staying poor :sweat_smile:

You will receive 10-20 useless LUNC tokens with 2 years vesting period)