Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan II

You are extremely selfish.
Everyone who bought before the blockchain stopped is more worthy of respect than those who sank this ship, taking away their savings.
Sneeze how much they bought … they drowned the ship, and now they put up a monument and reward them?
If we talk about purchases after the reboot, then yes, there are probably only speculators there.
But those who believed in the project to the last are worthy at least not to lose theirs.

But this is impossible to do it based on today’s market. I mean as we speak, you can be trading and making millions. This is what the market is about and this one must be kept going and is actually still going on. Anyone can trade and make/lose money now. But why should they be compensated now? We can discuss the snapshot dates (multiple is better than one) but it cannot be based on today’s trading.

I think after Terra announced that LUNA would be used to absorb all UST exit, no one should be compensated. It was a clear message that LUNA is going to 0 so speculating on it, hoping for big gain while knowing that if it fails you would receive help is not acceptable from my point of view.

I think it’s unfair to ask for USD compensation even for old LUNA holders. I am all for a new token that can gain value if we rebuild. It would be up to us to rebuild and make it valuable. This is a great incentive to force us keep working on it otherwise the new token would be worth 0.

WRONG. You are thinking of getting compensated when it is not even a valid option. Why should you get compensated when you experienced loss with investement you made with your free will? Maybe shout out for rescue plan for millions of people got rekt?

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Probably more gamblers at this stage

There is no being selfish or not here. We need to be realistic: compensating while thinking about the future. Both need to be considered. If there is a fair solution to help everyone I’m for it. I think fatman’s proposal is defendable for example although I don’t agree with everything.

Whos mint luna and throw to market?

Compensating in what? I think LUNA holders should not receive any cash for the financial loss but a new token that then would be up to them to build value for. It could be 0 or a lot more. I want to find a way to encourage people rebuild the project. If you just give USD and everyone leaves, there is no incentive.

That was a very poor decision from the team. I think they knew UST was done at that point, they threw away LUNA at the same time. We will need explanations.

Not true. Everyone is out for gains, regardless of people who bought before the de-peg or after. Many like myself did not buy before because it already went up so much and missed a good entry, not because we don’t believe in it.

Let’s not imbue intentions onto the timings of when people bought and stick to facts.

Fact 1: No crisis response or SOP to halt the chain immediately after the de-peg showing no internal controls when under “attack”

Fact 2: Despite being under “attack”, a deliberate and horrendous decision was made to allow the bank run to play out to its completion, allowing the situation to spiral out of control, letting the hyperinflation happen and sending the price to zero. Market conditions without the hyperinflation would be fair to say around 20 to 30.

Fact 3: Fact 2 was a risk not factored into the decisions of buyers, and made without proper communication and without a halting of the chain and trading.

The only remediation is to make UST holders whole, and burn all the excess LUNA minted post-depeg.

They could have simply shut down the network once death spiral started but they intentionally took away money from all LUNA holders (old + new) by literally running it till zero.


Bro nobody needs useless new token airdrops to build from scratch when we can utilize current infrastructures. People lost cuz of bad decision and useless terra team. Community decision to build up is what we need not a new LUNAv2 useless exit scam token for Do Kwon and people like you.

FORK and restructure should not be an option! Reverse the minting and Burn baby Burn. And the Team needs to put on their big boy pants and stand up and buy this out of the hole.
The market and everyone else will follow. But quit trying to create your way out to save something that no longer exists. Accept the reality of where we are and fight back up!!


If there is one thing we agree with is the disastrous decision from the team. Shambles!

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Erase the whole game and start again is an irresponsible approach. It’s not fair to all stakeholders and trust will not be recovered.

It seems like a decision has already been made. No point in creating new proposals. We wait for the announcement.

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The fair decision in my opinion is to return the full number of coins to everyone at the time the blockchain was stopped.
Regardless of their price.
It’s a market… and everyone always buys on a dip.
And the one who sold at this time is always to blame. This is his choice and lack of faith.
The one who bought, believed more and is more valuable to the project.
And speculators will be separated by time, because the price of the coin will not be the same.

The value come from those building, whether the token is LUNA, LUNAv2 or whatever you want. There is no more value in LUNA than anything else if the blockchain is still the same and teams continue building around it.

You obviously don’t get it that LUNAv2 wouldn’t be traded on the market anyway.

But if they go for a burn, there is nothing wrong with it as long as there is a clear path forward.

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Most people withdrew during attack and shorted in futures! They actually made more. I have seen several post like this.

I spent 10% of my deposit on support.
And someone at that time, sparkling with his heels, carried away his 1%
Is he better than me if he bought more expensive or earlier?
He didn’t believe it, but I believed it and stayed on the ship until the very end.

If you stayed until now you are better than most of people