Best proposal so far, please read this.
This is the best one by far.
Exactly they were hoping for 100XXX return when they bought for 80 absolute BS everyone needs to be treated equally.
the people have spoken. burn luna if u truely believe in a decentralized system then please don’t be a hypocrite and respect people’s decision to burn luna and win back people’s trust. please do the right thing and not reward the whales that fled and abandoned at the first sign of trouble causing the collapse. it’s the common people on the streets that came in to buy and support luna. so do the right thing and burn luna
give a
if u agree
Yes, the truth is we’re all greedy hoping for a buck, and most of us have been rekt. None of us deserve any better treatment than anyone else outside the free market. The free market determines what we are entitled to.
Back in 2016
Will Ethereum Fork? DAO Attack Prompts Heated Debate
@dokwon You want history? This is History for you; my friend bought BTC at pennies. He begged me to buy BTC for $100. I told him it’s a PONZI; he is filthy rich and forgot his old friends. Make this right and you will enter history. There will be many mega winners, there will be those who recover and you will enter the history books.
Do. 50k of my UST is stuck in the wormhole. I have reached out to them and Terra labs but no luck. Can you direct me where should I go to get some help on this issue?
Btw this is 50k UST prepeg
Why Supply incresement still isn´t changed ?
The Supply is still rising, these guys are not worth my money, they want Luna to diee.
I will sell and dont look back and NEVER go in any other project that has to do with anyone member of the terra team.
“There’s been several community and validator groups discussing launching a fork of the Terra chain”… really? A descentralized project where no one should have the full control and you are basically taking this decision without a clean and right mechanism to evaluate it? Really with all the fucking money that you have… your only proposal is to discuss it throught this post (that clearly doesn´t involve all users/holders voice)?
Hi everyone here,
Something that I don’t really get. The plan to reset the network ownership to 1B token from 6.9T right now. Would it be done via burning (reduce supply of luna v1) or forking (create luna v2)? Please enlighten.
Must be via reduce supply
It won’t matter cause the tokens will be worthless. If UST peg is not restored, the new chain will not have any trust. Doesn’t matter how the allocation is divided. The group you belong to could get 100% supply and everyone else 0%, you’d still be left with worthless tokens.
To revive Luna you shall:
Do something to be sure that it will not happen again!!!
Take 3% on each trade or transaction (with the help of CEXs)
Burn 98% of the taken amount
Give the remaining 2% to the pre-crash (pre-halt) holders
This my proposed solution!!!
How about halting trade, burning and re-pegging? That will prevent newcomers until the ecosystem is restored?
Trade shall be not halted, burn is mandatory, repegging will be automatic with the help of Terra/Luna algorithm!!!
This is the only way from now on
Repegging will be done automatically with the help of Terra/Luna algorithm