Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan

A proposal could be to take a snapshot of the Luna and usts in the existing Terra wallet and request users to sell their funds to be burned above the current market price, for example 7 percent. If the user accepts the request, the received coins are burned. If it does not, the price can be increased by looking at the market and burning the joins bought by purchasing from the market at an affordable price. Expecting users will not sell joins. In this way, the price decrease can be prevented and equilibrium can be achieved.

I don’t agree with that, it’s not fair for new investors to lose money…

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yep unoficially make UST the real DEFI stablecoin that actually can be redeemed 1 to 1
community can build crazy if this comes to fruition i know that doo kwon knows some hedge funds that would step in

keep old chain and airdrop users before depegging some luna so they can be happy :slight_smile:


really buying at 0.9 was gambling in past also it has gone to 0.9


Terra (UST) !:earth_africa: Powered by LUNA !:full_moon:

To fix the problem you must make LUNA great again to make UST great again.

LUNA is the fuel of everything.

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I agree that people holding UST/aUST at the time of depeg should be compensated too.

smart to put life savings in crypto ( all of them including btc )…

I’ve lost 95% and I m not against proposals.
it’s better than nothing. RISKS is real in crypto as in his current form.


I have lost funds on wealthsimple and ndax exchanges. Will i get air drop to recover my funds. Lost around $2500. Please respond. How will i compensate.

agree me too

Mark my words, if this is approved it will be second crush of Luna. Because once previous investors get some of their investment back they will immediately dump all their tokens as fast as a formula 1 racing car. They have the right I dont blame them, I am just talking about the outcome of that fork. Basically if you try to create value artificially, it is inevitable to evaporate.

Instead of trying to do this artificially at the time of bad reputation you have, you must think the proposal here: [Proposal] BURN and REMEDY fee with each LUNA transaction 💊

There is mutual interest, there is regaining of trust and reputation.


Brainless idea. What you should do is to buyback new token and burn them.
There is something you cannot avoid.


Even Vitalik supports the other plan!

The reserve fund is not used for repurchase and destruction, do you want to put it in your own pocket? A fork will only lose the user trust that has been established with great difficulty, and there will be no fools to pay for the forked public chain.

What is the future of Terra Network?
Where will the new luna coins be listed??

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Since the new luna currency is going to be released, it should be exchanged for the new luna currency with the old luna currency.


Now think about burning is not necessarily feasible,
There is a large number of people who bought 300 million luna at the bottom,
Unless they can sell and add a holding burn tax for large holders,
Should it be considered a fork like, eth classic,
I’m starting to be unsure, unless they repo at the bottom now,
But they don’t seem to have so much money and can only choose to fork (?

Listen to CZ. The market is trading LUNA right now! Those who bought high are unlucky but have the same faith as others before them had!


And same opportunity to buy cheap diluted LUNA right now


They think of themselves as victims…as great injustice has been made against them! :joy: Yet, they were seeking quick money and now are depressed because it didn’t go their way.