Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan

What will happen to NFT holders, which spent most of their LUNA for NFTs like GP, LB, SP, HC and so on? Will they be compensated in a way too, or will they simply be able to trade their NFTs on the forked blockchain again?

No attack no any isue they just make us fool all money they have. Creat us big fool if i am front of the persion i just kill him

This should also include at that snapshot block height holders in the process of undelegations and redelegation of LUNA/bLUNA/Xluna/cLuna (including cluna slow burns)

Everyone was contributing to the ecosystem whether by staking or doing “arbitrage&slow burns” cycles. @dokwon

You dont, people that bought the dip are only getting 10% of their moneys worth with this proposal!

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Luna is here to stay and the future and I am fully stand with Luna it is the future and terra will speed back past it’s all time high fast but I am also one of who put my money in last minute to join hands in providing stability for the coin the last minute holders should be with the highest share or if not definitely 400m or more look cos we believed despite the odds stacked against us so look into this Kwon❤️

You guys, if sold my UST for .1 should I buy them back now hoping to get .4 if this proposal passes? I’m so desperate, lost 90% value of my UST as my life’s saving everything!!!. Thank you.

exactly, this is so retarded.

Always the believers that get fucked :smiley:

Meanwhile the people selling and trolling will get the upside again

Please don’t forget about stLUNA holders. There is also the Luna refracted in PRISM too.


I feel i never had it in me to sell the UST tokens. The very purpose of my buying a stable coin, cause i want to be pegged to a dollar. What you are suggesting is, you will distribute a new token to all UST holders who like me did not have the balls to sell at a loss.

The new token will not be pegged, it could be 0.00006 usd , the last price of luna or $120. Its not a stable coin. I would really expect, the remaining UST holders be given a dollar each for each coin. So they can live peacefully.

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Give 40 % to holders before depeg and who haven’t sold after depeg.
Don’t give to holders who sold after depeg


and undelegations and cluna and slow burns

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It’s a step forward but more details are needed.

Fact is the hyperinflation is the protocol’s fault, driving the price to zero. In any other circumstance, it would be reasonable to buy the dip.

Thus every buyer and holder must be compensated. Obviously, it needs to take into account the price bought at. Best case is to compensate 1:1 at the price bought at between the depeg and halts.

On the new token:

  1. The new fork must not let the hyperinflation happen ever again
  2. Prevent selling by large holders immediately after genesis

Or, why not buy the trillions of Luna and burn them forever, and reduce the circulating supply back to where it was. please reverse history and fix this. All the newly minted lunas after the depeg must be burned and removed from the system.

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Precisely, im sure Do Kwon has a massive UST bag and wants to get a large piece of the new network where as all of his Luna are worth shit thererfor only 10% in the future network

Hi, i have staked ust on anchor from last 2 months till 9th may 2022 22.00 ist then i unstake , withdraw and bridge to warmhole bnb chain. Am i eligible for compansation?

Im sorry but people who bought the Luna dip cannot be compensated. this is because these guys can buy millions of tokens for 1$ whereas before the exploit 1 token was valued much, much higher.
however, UST has not inflated, so 1 UST token before is the same as 1 UST token now as its not diluted. this is why its fair to award people who attempted to support the UST peg the whole time and also why its literally impossible and retarded to compensate those who bought the luna dip.


Only give to those who were holding before and after depeg that’s it. All others get zero.

  • 100M (10%) to Luna holders at the final moment of the chain halt – last minute marginal luna buyers should be compensated for their role in attempting to provide stability for the network

Thank for your revival plan to good to know you’re breathing. Can i ask you? how you will calculate them? If i have 600000 Luna before halt chain halt. And if i have screenshot. Please I am waiting respond. thanks

I also lost nearly everything in this and also work on block full time so have no other income. Any return on value is going to be better than a total loss, please try to understand that and work for a solution rather than hoping to be compensated in full.

I propose to save the Ecosystem (take a snapshot of the Luna coins before depeg without UST) and restore the $1 exchange rate for today’s UST by attracting external capital. Thus, we will preserve the ecosystem and restore trust in UST.

Hey, I hope you are doing ok, we all took a pretty bad hit this week. New and old investors. I have some questions that I would love to hear your honest logical perspective on.

  1. Why did you not buy luna during the Dump? If it was was crashing and you wholeheartedly supported the project you could have bought at least a $100 worth of bag?
  2. Majority of luna holders exited upon death spiral, was it a good move?
  3. Whales manipulated LUNA on daily basis, I frequently saw my $100 worth of Luna turn to 0.00 (I started buying at $32) if you bought luna at $100 circulating supply of LUNA was in millions. Do you think it is fair comparison? I personally bought 5,000 usd worth of coins and still all those coins have combine value of 0.02.

and 1 more important point current circulating supply is 6.9T token. with 99% minted 2 days. So distrubuting 100,000,0000 Tokens to new 6.9T pool. means 1 new token per 100,000 old tokens. I have a bias but still I think this is unfair, so my 5000 usd grants me what? roughly 2 tokens that’ll be valued at 1 usd. But its alright You win some you loose some.