Terra Rebels Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance



Unfortunately, it’s one of the realities when you host in a data centre where I suspect the infrastructure is hosted given the physical high availability status mentioned above.

You could use remote hands from the DC staff and/or leverage hardware support to get the provider to visit the DC for you and replace failed components. The ideal is to have someone in close proximity to respond asap on emergencies.

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Its a question to do with the post though as this post is a continuation of your previous proposal.
Agora is the correct place for this

Yes, and then there’s the security and key cards for entry, not to mention background checks and such depending on the facility and what is warehoused there,

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@echel0n I’m interested to know what would be involved in having a Rebel Station mobile app, like the Terra Station mobile app? Would it be very difficult/costly to set-up and maintain?

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Actually we already have the mobile android app half working, only part not working is the wallet-connect aspect that we need to figure out, we just haven’t had the time to do that as it has not been a priority well getting the new cluster up, lets see where this prop goes first and take it from there.


Glad to hear the mobile app is in progress. I support independence from TFL as I posted about in the general category and in other places. I supported the Rebel Station independent infrastructure proposal at that time (before I was a validator). I held and waited to consider my position thereafter to see if delivery was made. Delivery was made in full of what the community paid for. Therefore as promises have been kept, there is trust to move forward on further initiatives. In principle I agree to having a solid alternative to Station wallet for LUNC hosted on independent infrastructure. There is a cost associated with that, which the community paid, and there are ongoing maintenance costs which should also be made. I hope additional features will be added to continue to improve the offer. As to the costs involved (which comes out to 150k per year), I am still considering this proposal.


Is there any less-costly option that you guys hold or could come up with? This seems to be one of the issues people have.

Imo we should have an independent infrastructure. After DKs arrest things might not be 2 stable going forward.


I mean when you look at the cost break down we provided, its basically the same as a high-paid McDonalds employee, except we ain’t flipping burgers here, we are running a multi-node Kubernetes scalable cluster for a blockchain, plus we all have day jobs and its not exactly like this has job security, so the price not only needs to be reasonable but also enticing enough to that we give it our attention away from our day to day stuff that does have job security, and its not so much that you are paying people to just sit and watch some servers, you are paying for the skillset that this team has that has been developed through years of experience in the IT field.

So the short answer is, no there is no cheaper alternative price for this type of work.


I’ve been involved with Terra Luna - now Luna Classic - since well before the Depeg event and here is what it comes down to for me.

No matter what anyone does, someone has an issue with someone or some group for one reason or another. TR, Vegas, Alex, Duncan, Zaradar, Ed, DemonMonkey, Rabbi, Jakob, LUNCDAO, etc. etc. etc. An otherwise GREAT proposal won’t pass because of the dislike or disapproval of one of the persons involved in the proposal.

In my 40 years of being a part of the workforce, I have never seen anything like it. People expect a perfection that doesn’t exist and is not achievable.

There will NEVER be a perfect plan and any team/plan will always have some deficiency of some kind. It might appear at the onset of the plan or well after. I have it in my real world businesses all day every day but we don’t close up shop because we have a problem person or situation. The person is managed to GROW or they are managed to GO or the situation is isolated to a point where any negative impact is minimal to zero. Either way the overall operation wins.

On this Proposal it’s a simple ask. Funds to maintain wallet access to the Blockchain.

Fact: TerraStation is become Station and WILL NOT support Luna Classic. That date is TBD but TFL has confirmed this as a fact.

TR has done exactly what everyone needs to do. Step away from the distraction of the drama and do the work that needs to be done to insure continued success of the blockchain. As recently as a couple of days ago Rebel Station added a BURN function (that should make the BurnBunch happy) as well as a $ conversion for the shares of each coin. No one asked for or expect that…yet it was done. We need more work and less talk talk talk.

This is a welcome, necessary, and continued evolution of the Blockchain. Yes from me 100%.


Despite the recent events and all the accusations you have experienced, you continued on your way and came up with a beautiful project. I think this community is unfair to you.



me too. absolutely… :construction_worker_man: :man_health_worker: :+1:


Thank you for delivering !Big yes from my side !


No With Veto
The neverending story!



You need to install Rebel Station Extension, migrate your wallets to it, then disable or uninstall Terra Station Extension, it controls the endpoints that the web wallet uses, you can also follow our migration guide I just put together on our new support site as well - Migrate to Rebel Station - #2 by echel0n - Guides - Terra Rebels Forums


I am satisfied with the work done till now.

There is much work to be done on the UI, NFT section and ads can definitely be incorporated into the empty areas which could bring in additional revenue and reduce reliance upon the community pool.

I hope you understand that previously you have received a substantial amount from the community pool and you have asked for a certain sum of funding again. The community pool funds are drying up so I do not know how long we can keep funding this if you do not explore other areas of funding.

I do not object to funding this proposal currently. The rest will depend upon the vote.

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it is very annoying to have to deactivate the terra station in order to access the terra classic dapps. Or deactivate the rebel station so that it stops popping every time I want to use the dapps of terra or another blockchain


@Vendrugo this is something we are aware of and would be working towards resolving

One way of funding is to delegate more Lunc on the Terra Rebel validator. This will allow the community pool to finance little, or no longer finances this part.