Why not focus on the exploiters and lock the funds they stole?

beside binance there s a couple more exchanges which got the huge deposits.

but yes we re talking about a handful of people who took the trillions of luna and then deposited on exchanges.

if anyone will bring this to court all these should be investigated.

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your proposal sounds good but not sure it can be implemented.

there are whales by now that might bought it at market price, an exchange can’t burn their money without getting into legal issues.

exploited and hacked project can as exchanges block hackers balances. and exchanges usually do this. Some eth and btc balances marked as Black from hacker attacks and those funds can’t be deposited.
We have to ask CZ freeze exploter’s accounts. They ruined 1000000 lifes!

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are these whales planning a coup? if thats the case, it is actually the best outcome. why freeze them and allow do kwon back?

also i wonder during the death spiral when an exchange suddenly receives deposits that are like few times larger each of them then the totality of previous total supply, doesn t this raises flags for the system of those exchanges?

google search seems to suggest this is a scam address Terra Finder it has close to 1 t luna

some of the addresses you have listed ended up there

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that’s the terra bridge to ethereum address. so some of those minters sent to eth chain. most of them deposited straight to exchanges though

Not an exchange is burning the coins, a smart contract representing and „oven“ is burning the coins, like for everybody to bring down the supply.

These large and suspicious wallets must get tagged and blocked as soon as they pass the oven, which is a necessity to whitelist the coins.

The suspicious wallet owner then has time to do a KYC and prove that he didn‘t do anything illegal by giving out all transactions, a board of independent community members, that needs to be elected first, decide then if these wallets get untagged or not.

you are right


I reposted this then dissapeard

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i missed it. was it deleted from forum?

yes its gone

did you manage to read all of it? :slight_smile: made me curious about the content

hi, jest I did. see my conversation there let me find it

see this. scroll from the last one


based on the last update i did we re talking about 3650 billions more than half of the supply shared among just 69 addresses. all of them moving them fast to exchanges

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I have the same question!

this site allows you to run sql on the transactions, let me know if you need any help Flipside Crypto

awesome, i ll try to see if i figure it out how to get the info from there

There was no hacking nor exploit, it was a bankrun, there was just not enough liquidity for all the people trying to get out of UST.

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i ve tried to do the same query but with higher block id and i get an error

try to see if u can get it working for block id like 7603222 or anything that would output the last few days