Wrapped luna conversion

post-crash I bought wrapped luna off coinbase and now it sits in my metamask wallet, how can I transfer this (now) $LUNC to my terra station wallet?

bridge seems to not recognize there are $LUNC tokens in my metamask wallet hence doesn’t let me bridge them back to classic …

any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Are you on https://classic-bridge.terra.money/ ?

And then choose Shuttle option

resolved, thank you

Hi all. I also bought wluna on coinbase post crash. Its sitting in coinbase at no value hardly but if i look in coinbase wallet {transfer from coinbase) its quite a lot higher. Can i do anything with this please or forget it?

Thanks simon.

as described above you can transfer your tokens to a wallet and bridge them back to luna classic in your terra station wallet …
alternatively if you are looking to sell, once you have bridged the tokens you can transfer them to KuCoin and trade them there

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Thanks homan for the help. Is it best to use a terra wallet or coinbase wallet. Sorry very new to this. Also there sems to be huge fees for gas with cb wallet.

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It’s too late to qualify for the airdrop so don’t move them for that reason.


Thanks noted…on cbase itt says they are worth 5 quid… Not worth bothering with but on cb wallet they are worth 3.5 mill… Lol lol

So i have wrapped luna classic on coinbase how do i exchange them for luna classic.

Hi Rose,

Can you please help me track the transaction sent from Metamask to kucoin via classic-bridge? I have the eth scan transaction but I don’t know where to find it in terra network. I need to show this transaction to kucoin support because they didn’t received the asset. Below is the ethscan transaction hash.


Oh no… The bridge is not to be used to exchanges, especially not to terra____ addresses, as they need your memo to credit your account :frowning:

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Can you please help me track the transaction to terra bridge? I suppose if I can show the transaction to kucoin, they might credit it to my account. I only realized later that the address was being shared to multiple users and the memo serves as the identifier. Someone made a tutorial on youtube about this and I blindly followed it. :frowning:

I’m not savvy enough to know how to get the Terra transaction hash from the eth one. I think @alagiz knows how to do it. He will be back online tomorrow.

THanks rose. I hope @alagiz can help with this. I just need to track this transaction on the terra bridge and want to see what happened.